children at risk of offending, a plea for joined up help for
- 2006, 157, 4
Hindley, Myra: the appropriate tariff
for her crimes - 2000, 144, 67
international criminal activity: its existence & some solutions
- 1996, 130/131, 100
is the Mafia a myth? - 1996, 130/131, 100
organised crime and its causes compared with USA - 1979, 60/61,
pornography & possible links to sexual offences (refutation
of Kutchinsky) - 1995, 126/127, 91
unilateral conditions imposed on job applicants and the Theft
Act - 1991, 108/109, 31
unilateral contractual conditions enforced by the criminal law
- 1991, 110/111, 97
United States of America
growth of professionalism and organisation of - 1979, 60/61,
Published by:
The Edmund Plowden Trust