Abortion Act 1967, and the relation of law to moral values -
1968, 18, 4
abortion grounds, suggestions for legally assessing whether
these are met - 1996, 128/129, 50
absolute objectivity of fundamental principles - 1978, 58/59,
adoption agencies (Catholic) & equality legislation: ethical analysis of possible courses of action - 2008, 161, 98
advance directives: warnings on the Chancellor's Consultation
paper 1997 - 1998, 136/137, 9
allocation of resources: medical ethics dilemmas - 2000, 144,
animal-human hybrids: possible reasons for objection to - 2008, 160,
anti-religious media representation, particularly of Islam, can lead to alienation & human rights abuses - 2020, 184, 37
assisted dying: court refuses to judge on it as sanctity of life is not a 'legal' discussion (case) - 2020, 184, 117
assisted dying bill 2021; details of and comment - 2021, 186, 44
assisted suicide: Bland, Dianne Pretty & Re:B (consent to
treatment) - 2003, 150, 51
assisted suicide, DPP should provide clarity on likelihood of prosecution (case) - 2013, 171, 116
assisted suicide: 'locked in' patient argues GMC guidance too restrictive; case dismissed as law there to protect vulnerable patients (case) - 2015, 175, 286
assisted suicide, locked-in syndrome patients wanting clarification of law, failed as parliament must change law, not courts (case) - 2012, 169, 285; ban within UK parliament's margin of appreciation & DPP right to look at cases individually (SC) - 2014, 173, 232
assisted suicide, common law defence of necessity & of Strasbourg jurisprudence, court argues blanket ban is not disproportionate (case) - 2013, 171, 116
assisted suicide: Purdy case, where DPP required to publish guidance about when they will prosecute (cases) - 2009, 162, 94 (not required); 2009, 163, 194 (required)
Aquinas (like Aristotle) doesn't distinguish ethics & public law; happiness is pursued via virtue with law to help - 2019, 183, 118
Aquinas on goal of human ethics, role of reason and its relationship to law - 2019, 183, 118
Aquinas on how human law develops both in itself and in how it is applied - 2019, 183, 134
baby of Jehovah's Witnesses needing surgery, court rules blood can be given despite parent's objection if no reasonable alternative (case) - 2014, 172, 75
basis of good law from a Christian perspective - 1999, 142/143,
'best interests' & the implications of the Mental Capacity
Bill - 2004, 153, 152
Bland case & conjoined twins case, moral concerns raised
by - 2002, 148, 65
Bland judgement: feeding as medical treatment? - 1993, 116/117,
Bland judgement: not acting in patient's best interests &
eroding sanctity of life - 1993, 116/117, 4
blasphemy: difficulties in bringing a prosecution against theatre or BBC (case) - 2008, 160, 59
blasphemy law, can it be justified? - 2000, 145, 6
blood products for child of Jehovah's Witnesses, parents not opposed to court deciding if no other options (case) - 2017, 178, 123
Bolam principle, difficult to apply to ethical matters - 1994,
122/123, 80
business enterprise, law of ethics and social responsibility
for small - 1992, 114/115, 130
capital punishment, morality of - 2006, 156, 3
care for the elderly and Christian moral traditions - 1986,
90/91, 110
care proceedings for muslim children clarified circumcision as allowed for religious/other reasons but FGM never considered reasonable (case) - 2015, 174, 127
carers ignored and disadvantaged by the law - 2007, 159, 89
caring relationship needs to be legally recognised as important - 2007, 159, 89
Christian action to leaven secular law, place of - 2010, 165, 172
Christian concerns over access to justice for the poor in England - 2013, 170, 19
Christian hotelier can't refuse same-sex couple a double room (case)
- 2013, 170, 109; upheld on appeal - 2013, 171, 106
Christian perspectives on 'no-fault' divorce, negative practical issues with proving fault & how best to support marriage - 2015, 174, 35
Christian views on law having limits so that freedom is preserved - 2013, 170, 19
Christians can't refuse double room in hotel to gay civil partners; direct & indirect discrimination - 2011, 166, 80; appeal dismissed - 2012, 168, 117; divided over whether direct / indirect discrimination but appeal again dismissed - 2014, 172, 79; 2014, 173, 113
Christians in UK tend to look at internal or foreign issues for legal funding, should this be expanded to wider issues as legal aid drops away? - 2015, 175, 166
church law should concentrate on essentials or could alienate non-churchgoers
e.g. Jehovah's Witness ban on transfusions, Brethren ban on eating
with non-members, political standpoints etc - 2012, 169, 157
Church's role in development of conscience - 1974, 45, 138
circumcision in modern European society: balancing autonomy of child & that of religious groups; provisions in ECHR - 2021, 186, 20
circumcision: rights of child, parental rights & responsibilities, BMA guidelines on best interest, Gillick competence, case law - 2021, 186, 20
cloning, reproductive & therapeutic - arguments for and
against - 1999, 142/143, 100
cloning (human): legal & ethical aspects of - 1999, 140/141,
cloning (human), possible legal problems: inheritance, negligence,
wrongful life - 1999, 140/141, 26
code for business - 1973, 38, 12
comparative worth of lives: conjoined twins case and Bland case
- 2001, 147, 89
conjoined twins case: a Christian perspective - 2001, 147, 89
conjoined twins case: balancing conflicting interests of two
children - 2001, 146, 38
conjoined twins case: facts, reasoning, analysis, legal murder?
- 2001, 146, 38
conjoined twins case: ruling of 'court of law, not of morals' - 2008,
160, 13
conjoined twins case: utilitarian sacrifice of one for the other?
- 2001, 147, 89
conjoined twins case: what criteria or objective values can
be used? - 2001, 147, 89
conscience: what it means, stages of moral development & decision making - 2016, 177, 146
conscientious objection in medicine: not only about abortion, not contest of rights between doctor/patient, not necessarily religiously based - 2011, 166, 28
conscientious objection to military service, no international
binding right to - 2003, 151, 180
conscientious objection to weapons training, Navy medical assistant lawfully convicted of disobeying command (case) - 2012, 168, 127
conscientious objections of Christians, does new public morality override these? - 2013, 170, 19
contraceptive advice for young girls: the Gillick case - 2000,
144, 18
cremation: religious sensitivities regarding - 2014, 173, 145
crime, guilt & punishment in the Old Testament - 2001, 147,
democratic decisions, should they be subject to a value system? - 2018, 180, 82
designer babies to cure siblings, ethics of - 2004, 152, 93
dilemmas for Christian judges (same-sex adoption / surrogacy / abortion) have they become too hard to accommodate? - 2016, 176, 6
Do Not Resuscitate orders & newborn babies - 2004, 153, 152
Do Not Resuscitate orders (DNACPR): controversy about overuse during covid pandemic particularly for learning disabled, ECHR ruled there is right to be consulted - 2021, 186, 44
doctors have a right not to participate directly in abortion & fertility treatment but for other things must negotiate (no legal rights) - 2011, 166, 28
double-effect: does intention make a moral difference? - 2020, 184, 37
end of life: how to define humanity - 2005, 154, 57
end of life dilemmas: Bland & turning off ventilation -
2000, 144, 18
enforcement of, by political and religious authorities - 1985,
84/85, 4
Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations, consumer rights as higher priority than religious rights - 2007, 159, 114
Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations, homosexuality as an identity & legal right (regarding adoption) - 2007, 159, 114
Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations, homosexuality as higher freedom than religion - 2007, 159, 114
Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) Regulations, secularisation of public morality - 2007, 159, 114
ethical standards, are they absolute? - 1999, 140/141, 65
ethically based theories of law, analysis of: Shklar, Bankowski, Wolterstorff, Fuller - 2015, 174, 5
euthanasia, dangers of the legalisation of - 1999, 140/141,
euthanasia debate, court cases making a substantial contribution
to the - 1999, 140/141, 16
euthanasia: definitional, theological & ethical issues -
2003, 150, 51
euthanasia: intentional killing element may be absent in Charlie Gard and Alfie Evans cases - 2019, 182, 7
euthanasia, intentions & withdrawing treatment: definitions and declarations in Catholic moral tradition - 2019, 182, 7
euthanasia: motivation & intention; analysis of concepts & errors, particularly when death by omission - 2019, 182, 7
euthanasia: nutrition and hydration should be evaluated differently to medical treatment as are basic needs - 2019, 182, 7
euthanasia: sanctity of life v. autonomy and intolerability
- 2005, 154, 57
euthanasia in the 1990's and beyond - 1999, 140/141, 16
faith and the Church and their support for the rule of law -
1972, 35, 81
fertility clinic sued by father for 'wrongful birth' after embryo implanted without consent; appeal for damages dismissed as value of child can't be calculated by court (case) - 2019, 182, 82
freedom of expression may be lawful but if foreseeable chance of religious violence then it is moral? - 2020, 184, 37
freedom of expression vs provocation to violence; is there a right to offend the religious? c.f. Charlie Hebdo etc - 2020, 184, 37
Frege-Geach problem analysed - 2006, 157, 39
gambling, ethics of, and government proposals for regulation
- 2002, 148, 38
gender equality: does a woman wearing a face veil detract from her equality? - 2018, 180, 82
Hart-Devlin debate: should society use law to enforce morality?
- 2000, 144, 18
Hindley, Myra, should she have been released? - 2000, 144, 67
human dignity: what does it mean & where does it come from?; intrinsic v. attributed; discussion of views - 2022, 189, 110
human dignity in birth and death - 1999, 140/141, 65
human rights: Catholic & Protestant approaches & objections to; exemplified by Finnis and Wolterstorff amongst others - 2017, 179, 135
humans, are they equal in value? - 1999, 140/141, 65
Hume's Non-Cognitivism & classical theories of ethics (a
critique)- 2006, 157, 39
hunger strikers, legal issues concerning - 1995, 126/127, 140
infallibility of Church's teachings, meaning of - 1974, 45,
international trade and Humanae Vitae - 1969, 22, 21
Jehovah's Witness minors, blood transfusions for; court correct to override their wishes & be 'slow to allow an infant to martyr himself' (case) - 2022, 188, 81
just war criteria, discussion of development of, to cover humanitarian
intervention - 2005, 154, 35
Keown's distinction between worthwhileness of treatment &
worthwhileness of life - 2001, 147, 89
killing and 'letting die' - 1993, 118/119, 146 + 147
King's College, establishment and aims of the centre - 1978,
56/57, 2
late husband's sperm can be stored for over ten years as court convinced he would have obtained paperwork had he known of it (case) - 2014, 172, 105
law and its relation to values in society -1967, 17, 123
law & morality: friends or foes? - 1994, 122/123, 87
law & morals: Simon Lee's contribution to the debate - 2000,
144, 18
law as the foundation of society's conscience - 1974, 45, 131
law has to make ethical judgements and have moral values - 2012, 169, 172
law influencing morality & vice versa - 1994, 122/123, 87
law-making, decreasing influence of Christian moral code on
- 1969, 24, 100
legal & moral obligation to obey the law: a Christian analysis
- 1997, 134/135, 32
life issues: brief survey of modern Christian attitudes to abortion, embryo research & end of life issues - 2013, 170, 19
Linacre, establishment and aims of the centre - 1978, 56/57,
linguistic difficulties in development of principles - 1974,
45, 138
MacIntyre, Alisdair: human dignity as acquired rather than intrinsic so can be lost eg Hitler - 2022, 189, 110
mediaeval commercial morality: usury & just price - 1997,
132/133, 9
medical advance, morals and law - 1972, 36, 101
medical decisions, importance of fundamental ethical principles
to underlie - 1999, 140/141, 65
medical treatment, ethics of consent to or refusal of - 1993,
116/117, 19
moral and civic good, principles and nature of - 1985, 84/85,
Moral Questions: Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. text
printed - 1971, 33, 148
moral values, the source of: objective or absolute? - 2000,
144, 18
mother's autonomy / bodily integrity v. fetus' right to life,
ethics of - 1999, 140/141, 43
natural law and a critique of Fr Coventry's thesis of Christian
conscience - 1967, 14/15, 12
needs of individual against needs of society: utilitarianism
- 1999, 140/141, 65
new approaches to the relationship between civil law and morality
- 1977, 54/55, 139
no Christian political unity but often agree on values e.g. against death penalty, for censorship - 2015, 175, 198
Parliamentary Standards Bill, diminishing content of - 2009, 163, 166
paternalism v. informed consent - the Sidaway case - 2000, 144,
penology, Christian theories of, through history - 2005, 155,
planning issues and solutions - 1973, 40, 83
pornography & possible links to sexual offences (refutation
of Kutchinsky) - 1995, 126/127, 91
private and public, the bounds of - 1984, 82/83, 86
PVS patients: a clinical view against withdrawing food/fluid
- 1997, 134/135, 29
PVS patients, discontinuing artificial feeding for: legal practice
& BMA guidelines - 2003, 150, 51
radical scepticism & morality, problems of - 2006, 157,
Rawls, Sandel etc: accounts of justice / morality and discussion of - 2012, 169, 172
relativist and non-cognitivist theories of ethics, problems
of - 2006, 157, 39
religious objections to invasive autopsy, test case on producing guidelines on how should handle (case) - 2015, 175, 290
religious violence: why might it happen? - 2020, 184, 37
religious voting behaviour: influence of denomination, church attendance & precedence of other issues - 2015, 175, 198
sanctity of life: Alfie Evans case failed to appreciate intrinsic worth despite not 'deriving benefit' - 2019, 182, 7
sanctity of life: Charlie Gard case contained ethical errors about life not 'worth sustaining' - 2019, 182, 7
Scanlon, T.M.: on intent & its relevance to moral permissibility of an action; evaluation of all moral considerations - 2020, 184, 37
Schluter on a relational view of law - 2015, 174, 5
scrutiny, ethical, of new laws needed: NHS proposals to share data with private companies with only opt-outs breaches 'silence does not mean consent' - 2021,186,1
self-determination - do individuals have an absolute right to?
- 1999, 140/141, 65
settlement and adjudication, analysis of how may not always serve justice, shalom & relationships; judgement of right can be helpful - 2016, 177, 130
sexual abuse many years before by member of an order that would have vicarious liability, Limitation Act makes inequitable to allow case (case) - 2018, 181, 247
Shechita & Halal slaughter: should Christians approve when
animals suffer more? - 2004, 153, 123
should the state legislate morality? - 1994, 120/121, 41
slavery: Christian principle & ideology against, some difficulties in practice - 2007, 158, 4
slavery, inadequate philosophical opposition to (in Roman law,
naturalistic ethics, enlightenment, Kant) - 2007, 158, 4
special protection of cultural/spiritual property in armed conflicts - 2011, 167, 27
Stephen, James Fitzjames - 1974, 45, 131
suicide & euthanasia, the Catholic position on - 2003, 150,
suicide as a crime: Dyer's argument from natural law etc - 2018, 180, 38
Tony Martin - Biblical reflections on whether his actions were
justified - 2001, 147, 122
torture, can some classes of people licitly be tortured? - 2007, 159, 103
torture, the difference of consequentialist & absolutist approaches - 2007, 159, 103
transplant for their child?, can parents refuse a - 1997, 134/135,
transplant medicine & definitions of death - 1999, 140/141,
trial judges and dilemmas they face due to gap between human and divine law - 2016, 176, 6
universality of principles - 1974, 45, 138
usury laws across Europe and U.S. - 2014, 172, 42
values in medicine: shouldn't influence patient care (Savulescu)?;
doctor can excape involvement but can't impose views on others
- 2011, 166, 28
VAT regulations & Article 9 give exemptions to online filing on religious / belief grounds; appeal here dismissed as can use phone (case) - 2016, 176, 89; 2016, 177, 217
virtues required for proper legal relations: honesty, self-discipline, even-handedness, natural justice, disinterestedness etc - 2015, 174, 5
Western law & Canon law on usury: background, development, theory, practice & possible future provisions for Europe - 2014, 172, 42
withdrawal of treatment: a Christian perspective - autonomy,
best interests and Tony Bland - 2005, 154, 57
withdrawal of treatment: Bland and Evans cases relied on a particular medical opinion rather than objective ethical standards - 2019, 182, 104
withdrawal of treatment in end of life cases involving children when conflict between parents and doctors; review commissioned before recommendations made - 2022, 189, 169
withdrawing life-sustaining treatment, law and ethics of: acts
& omissions, sanctity of life & autonomy - 2005, 154,
withholding or withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration
- 1989, 100/101, 58
World Bank Institute measures rule of law as component of economic development: correlates ethical personal & institutional behaviour - 2015, 174, 5
abortion post Vatican II - 1976, 51, 45
acts and omissions in the Old & New Testaments - 2005, 154,
Alternative Dispute Resolution: beginnings in Jewish, Christian and Biblical ideas of mediation, shalom & peacemaking - 2016, 177, 130
Aquinas on Biblical law, its purposes and relation with natural law; Torah as exterior / New Testament as interior - 2019, 183, 118
Aquinas on how human law can be judged in terms of natural law, by examples in the Torah & by custom that circumvents unjust law - 2019, 183, 155
assisted suicide, Christian theology & the law - 2003, 150,
Bible: influence on British political life & thought, the Coronation service and Parliament - 2013, 170, 49
biblical and early church fathers on usury - 2014, 172, 42
biblical view of the moral law in creation - 2003, 150, 21
biblical views on justice, retribution & forgiveness: Old
& New Testaments - 2005, 155, 103
Böckenförde on a theology of modern secular law; connection to Aquinas and Pope Benedict XVI - 2021, 186, 10
Buddhism: an introduction - 2010, 164, 3
Buddhist and Hindu humanitarian law - 2010, 164, 3
Buddhist sources and principles in international law - 2010, 164, 3
Buddhist views of the nature of the state, importance of truth & of individuals, avoiding use of force and manufacture of weapons - 2010, 164, 3
capital punishment, moral theology and - 2006, 156, 11
capital punishment, powers of the state in 'Romans' - 2006,
156, 3
caring, a theology of - 2007, 159, 89
Catholic and Protestant ideas of conscience - 2016, 176, 59
Christ & the Torah's fulfilment, discussion with regard to divorce law - 2015, 174, 35
Christian commercial litigators must extend shalom to enemies
& be careful that Alternative Dispute Resolution promotes real justice,
not just settlement - 2016, 177, 130
Christian ideas in path to universal human rights - 2016, 176, 59
Christian reconstructionism, problems with, when applied to
society - 2003, 150, 21
circumcision's significance to Jews & Muslims; banning may cause social unrest / anti-religious hatred - 2021, 186, 20
connection between law of God / ethics & human law illustrated by Nazi Germany - 2014, 172, 4
'constitutional' changes in Divine and natural law due to the Fall & atonement; matrimony used to illustrate - 2019, 183, 134
death penalty, O'Donovan looks at Christian historical attitudes
to - 2006, 156, 37
democracy, equality and toleration: Biblical political foundations for British rise of - 2013, 170, 49
Deuteronomy 17 & wider Old Testament as argument for rule of law with King subject to it; justice fundamental to God's nature & incumbent on his people - 2015, 175, 166
divorce in New Testament times & teaching of Jesus: grounds, God's original ideals & Matthaen 'porneia' discussion - 2015, 174, 35
divorce in Old Testament law, principles & ancient custom: discussion /analysis of particular Biblical cases that appear to protect women - 2015, 174, 35
God's law as redemptive and liberating - 2014, 172, 4
Gospel (the), how should it affect politics? - 2015, 175, 198
Henderson (Ian) & Butler: differences between moral (reasoned) duties & positive (revealed) duties: former should take precedence or nuttiness prevails - 2012, 169, 157
human rights, Christian concerns over: rights v. responsibilities,
communities v. individualism, governments v. individuals - 2005,
154, 6
human rights: roots in the Bible & theology - 2005, 154,
Islamic God does not love the sinner & apostasy punishable by death; Christianity different - 2014, 173, 173
Jewish concepts of law, natural law and salvation - 2010, 164, 63
Jewish jurisprudence: inspired texts and judges - 2010, 164, 63
Jewish law and morality: obligations beyond the letter of the law - 2010, 164, 63
Judaeo-Christian emphasis on human responsibilities over rights e.g. ten commandments - 2014, 173, 129
justice, law and order: a theological analysis of God's plan
- 2005, 154, 66
Luther's theory of the Two Kingdoms (heavenly & earthly) and Three non-hierarchical Estates (family, church and state) - 2017, 178, 6
mercy and justice - 2005, 155, 103
Niebuhr: Five Christian stances towards culture - 2013, 170, 19
Norman Anderson: seeking to understand law and morality (including natural law) - 2009, 163, 110
Old / New Testament and Christian views on secular & moral law and of limited government - 2012, 169, 172
Old and New Testament law (Norman Anderson) - 2009, 163, 110
Old Testament law, the relevance of, for non-Christians - 2003,
150, 21
Old Testament law, the relevance of, for today's Christians
- 2002, 148, 21
preferential option for the poor - recent impact on all branches of Christianity - 2013, 170, 19
reconstructionism as theological defence of blasphemy law -
2000, 145, 6
slavery, Biblical advocacy for humane treatment of - 2007, 158, 23
slavery: cannot be opposed by relativistic philosophies, need absolute transcendental perspective - 2007, 158, 4
slavery, Christian arguments against - 2007, 158, 4
slavery: reaons why Catholics didn't officially condemn until very recently - 2007, 158, 23
slavery, development of the Torah's laws on, as an exemplar of applying & unfolding natural law though salvation history - 2019, 183, 155
St Paul on pastoral questions of marriage, divorce & remarriage, analysis of - 2015, 174, 35
theology necessary to understand Islamic law, human rights & the modern world as law is by divine command - 2014, 173, 173
Torah giving exemplars for lawgivers: both in precepts and in the roles of Moses & Aaron - 2019, 183, 155
traditional approach to relationship between civil law and morality
-1976, 51, 45
Vatican II, new approaches to relationship between civil law
and morality - 1976, 51, 45
Vulnerable, can we consider God as? - 2018, 180, 5; 2019, 182, 58
wisdom & virtues needed by those that make laws (and their advisors) - according to Aquinas - 2019, 183, 155
Wolterstorff on justice / shalom - 2016, 177, 130
duty to inform & advise patients, development of the - 1994,
120/121, 26
torture rejected as fundamentally unjust - 2007,
159, 103
European court allows State power to impose conditions of 'living together,' e.g. by not wearing veil, on people that don't agree; is this justified or violating freedom of conscience? - 2018, 180, 82
vegetative patient, ending nutrition to, doesn't breach his right to life under Article 2; dissenters slam lack of ethics (ECHR) - 2015, 175, 273
Church tax, opposition / conscientious objection to; obligatory despite Church scandals - 2016, 177, 146
humanist ethics course (compulsory) at school, doesn't violate any rights (case) - 2010, 164, 92
Luther's view that the Church shouldn't rule by law; subsequent reforms of Church, State, society & legal system - 2017, 178, 6
Italy within rights in a democratic society to ban donation of existing embryos for experimentation (ECHR) - 2015, 175, 284
assisted dying: Jersey's States Assembly agreed 'in principle' to legalising; public engagement put in process - 2022, 188, 67
Latin America
conscientious objection: whether allowed in Latin American countries - 2009, 162, 62
Northern Ireland
adult with learning difficulties & Jehovah's Witness mother
should have blood products available to preserve life during dental
surgery (case) - 2013, 171, 121
direct discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation & political opinion (Court of Appeal upholds) for Christian bakers refusing to ice cake in support of same-sex marriage - 2016, 177, 119
assisted suicide prosecution guidelines alleged unclear; Scottish law deemed different to Purdy case, petition rejected (case) - 2015, 175, 293; law clear as stands (reclaiming motion refused) - 2016, 176, 101
conscientious objection under Abortion Act covers participation in 'hands-on' way, not administrative tasks of ward managers (case) - 2015, 174, 143
Stair's Institutions: philosophical, theological, scriptural and natural law principles on which Scottish law is built - 2012, 169, 189
conscientious objectors on military service, unfair to treat as servicemen under normal military discipline (ECHR) - 2012, 169, 289
conscientious refusal of military service by Jehovah's Witnesses followed by military sentences, violates Article 3, 9 etc in democratic society (ECHR) - 2014, 173, 221
military service for conscientious objectors, no exceptions for and penalties imposed, fail to strike right balance, rights violated (ECHR) - 2012, 169, 289
treatment & imprisonment of Jehovah's Witness for refusing military service violates rights (ECHR) - 2012, 168, 119
United States of America
conjoined twins case: the doctor's decision in a similar American
case - 2001, 147, 89
ethical analysis of long-term health care for the elderly -
1986, 90/91, 110
foundation to and erosion of values underpinning the Constitution
- 1987, 92/93, 7
role of civil law in relation to private morality - 1976, 51,
Roman Catholic influences on legislation - 1976, 51, 45
Published by:
The Edmund Plowden Trust