Afghan illegal immigrant working like an imam can be deported despite Article 9 rights of congregation (case) - 2016, 177, 215
asylum claim allowed despite admission conversion to Christianity was fabricated, as still poses risk in Iran (case) - 2020, 185, 191
asylum seekers persecuted for not supporting Mugabe, right not to lie to avoid problems upheld, freedom not to hold views protected (case) - 2012, 169, 288
Biblical view of asylum - 1998, 138/139, 80
child from illegal polygamous marriage in Nepal, refused entry to join father in UK, court aims to discourage such marriages & promote gender equality (case) - 2012, 169, 291
Chinese daughter of Evangelical Paster and family not judged to be at harm if returned to China (appeal dismissed) - 2014, 172, 98
Christian critique of Immigration policy - 1998, 138/139, 97
commercial surrogacy: legal and border problems with parental orders - 2016, 176, 6
conversion to Islam words said during Nikah marriage to a Pakistani but Thai national continued to be Buddhist; asylum granted as no safe country to return her as either apostasy or invalid marriage (case) - 2023, 190, 98
courts must take interests of UK children into account, if parent is deported, they will have little choice but to go (ECHR) - 2001, 166, 104
critique of the asylum process - 1998, 138/139, 80
detaining foreign nationals without trial allowed for suspected
terrorists - 2003, 150, 79
detention & human rights issues for asylum seekers - 1998,
138/139, 80
differing fee liability for immigrants wishing to marry in C. of E. or elsewhere is discrimination (ECHR) - 2011, 166, 90
dignity (human) in anti-trafficking law and adjudication: overview of international and European documents, case law & analysis - 2023, 190, 62
economic migrant, the claim of the - 1998, 138/139, 97
Illegal Migration Bill 2023: Archbishop of Canterbury's amendments and moral issues; whether compatible with human rights law - 2023, 190, 77
immigration, 'all relevant circumstances', Secretary of State
obliged to consider - 1987, 92/93, 74
immigration appeal rejected since defining threats to national
security are executive decisions, not judicial ones - 2003,
150, 79
immigration in UK - 1970, 28, 109
immigration law: a bias against the poor - 1998, 138/139, 97
judge's membership of a Jewish Association does not mean she is biased against Palestinian asylum seeker (case) - 2009, 162, 89
Malaysian Catholic's asylum appeal dismissed as husband's conversion to Islam and likely wish to convert and circumcise their son, doesn't infringe her rights (case) - 2013, 171, 124
marriage: everyone subject to immigration control having to apply to Secretary of State for approval to marry, must not unreasonably prevent genuine marriages (case) - 2008, 161, 139
marriage, rules of immigration to do with - 1998, 138/139, 97
persecution, definition of in UK asylum cases - 2001, 146, 71
'persecution', the meaning of (in asylum cases), in different
countries - 1998, 138/139, 80
preventing immigration clearance for marriage when one spouse UK citizen & other under 21, is against rights (case) - 2011, 166, 92; upheld on appeal - 2011, 167, 117
safe third country rules - 1998, 138/139, 80
'sham' marriages: difficulties of regulating these - 2007, 159, 148
treatment (legal & otherwise) of asylum seekers, inadequate
& unjust - 1998, 138/139, 97
veiled witness in asylum case: need to find options to strike balance between witness rights, open justice & properly assessing evidence (case) - 2014, 172, 73
welfare as a deterrent to asylum claims - 1998, 138/139, 80
white paper 1998, analysis of proposals of - 1998, 138/139,
without official paperwork - 1998, 138/139, 80
Egyptian Coptic Christian's rights would be violated by deportation due to risk of ill-treatment for proselytism (ECHR) - 213, 171, 115
muslim lady refusing to remove veil for identity check, can reasonably be refused a visa (case) - 2008, 161, 151
intolerant human rights record and immigration policy - 1993,
118/119, 108
gay man refused residence permit to live with partner was discriminated against as could not at that time have legal relationship to be 'family member' (ECHR) - 2016, 177, 225
Article 9 doesn't give foreign nationals a right of residence to take up employment, even for a religious association - 2008, 160, 51
Pakistani Christian convert refused asylum; domestic court should properly investigate his situation & the treatment of converts before he could be returned (ECHR) - 2022, 189, 200
Iranian asylum seeker needs assessment of impact of Christian conversion (as well as political past) on his deportation (ECHR) - 2016, 176, 85
Mandean single woman not ruled at risk from deportation to Iraq (ECHR) - 2014, 173, 240; granted Swedish residency so appeal struck out (ECHR) - 2015, 175, 301
asylum claims on grounds of compulsory military service - 2003,
151, 180
United States of America
U.S. immigration policy - a Biblical Christian view - 1996,
130/131, 84
Published by:
The Edmund Plowden Trust