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Law & Justice
Edmund Plowden Trust
Memorial Lecture
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Alternative Dispute Resolution: ubiquity (& almost obligatory) in civil commercial disputes; advantages & disadvantages for Christian lawyers - 2016, 177, 130
Aquinas on the role of lawgivers to formulate & apply natural law with prudence - 2019, 183, 155
black death: transformation of Justices of the Peace and legal education - 2022, 188, 38
Christian commercial litigators must extend shalom to enemies & be careful that Alternative Dispute Resolution promotes real justice, not just settlement - 2016, 177, 130
conscience and morality - 1985, 86/87, 23
Cornes on how Christian divorce solicitors can act responsibly, encourage reconciliations and care for clients - 2015, 174, 35
development of the Torah's laws on slavery, as an exemplar of applying & unfolding natural law though salvation history - 2019, 183, 155
disclosure and confidentiality in USA - 1986, 90/91, 59
ethical standards -1985, 86/87, 13
Fair Trials Abroad (FTA): group promoting European justice - 2001, 147, 114
jurisprudence in legal education, lack of - 1992, 114/115, 94
justice, the state and the law in the Bible - 2000, 144, 49
justice & mercy for lawyers (eg should lawyers be involved in divorce) - 2002, 148, 2
justice and truth, duty to seek - 1983, 76/77, 10
justice, retribution & reconciliation: practical considerations for Christian lawyers - 2005, 155, 103
law and justice, a Christian perspective on - 2000, 144, 49
lawyers in a permissive society - 1972, 35, 46
legal disciplines, different, in 14th century Oxford - 2005, 155, 123
legal education & practice in sixteenth century England - 1998, 136/137, 19
legal history often left off curriculum, partly due to intellectual / social division of scholarship, also as it challenges idea of legal certainty - 2018, 180, 21
legal training, lack of ethical values in - 1998, 138/139, 116
magistrate's role in elaborating & enforcing natural law through positive law applied equitably (according to Luther) - 2017, 178, 6
must the good advocate also be a good person? - 1998, 138/139, 116
Parliamentary Standards Bill, diminishing content of - 2009, 163, 166
Plowden's life & faith in Tudor England - 2018, 180, 38
prayer for lawyers: Samuel Johnson - 2005, 155, 86
profession, meaning of the term - 1972, 35, 46
professional standards for lawyers - 1992, 112/113, 31
public distrust of politicians, reasons for - 2001, 147, 79
public life as a vocation - 2001, 147, 79
role of the Christian lawyer - 2000, 144, 49
seven principles of public life (Committee on Standards) - 2001, 147, 79
should Christians participate in all areas of the legal system? - 2005, 155, 103
social welfare legislation and the changing ethos of the profession -1984, 80/81, 42
Thomas More: the lawyer and the judge - 2001, 147, 79
Torah giving exemplars for lawgivers: both in precepts and in the roles of Moses & Aaron - 2019, 183, 155
wisdom & virtues needed by those that make laws (and their advisors) - according to Aquinas - 2019, 183, 155
Catholics and their historic Christian perspectives - 1979, 62/63, 73
death sentences, can a judge morally impose these - 2006, 156, 3
does gap between secular & divine law mean Christians can't be High Court judges? - 2016, 176, 6
independence, principles for securing, in South East Asia - 1989, 102/103, 44
independence of, in Latin America - 1989, 102/103, 30
judicial oath on appointment - 1983, 76/77, 10
justice, duty to do - 1983, 76/77, 10
political nature to role of - 1977, 54/55, 82
protection of, in Latin America - 1989, 102/103, 30
public policy and other factors in judicial opinions -1987, 94/95, 81
same-sex adoption / surrogacy / abortion: have dilemmas for Christian judges become too hard to accommodate? - 2016, 176, 6
trial judges and dilemmas they face due to gap between human and divine law - 2016, 176, 6
withdrawal of treatment cases, articulating welfare of child; trial judge's ethics important - 2016, 176, 6
Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang: Catholic judge, theologian, constitutional lawyer - 2021, 186, 10
Luther's attacks on lawyers (church & lay); later view of magistrates as fathers of community / instruments of God's justice - 2017, 178, 6
lawyer having to reveal religious convictions in order to take oath or affirmation (on taking office), contravenes Article 9 (case) - 2008, 161, 143
not allowing monks or clerics to practise as lawyers when qualified in another EU State, violates EU directive (case) - 2019, 182, 89
United States of America
disclosure and confidentiality - 1986, 90/91, 59
lay attorneys in marriage tribunals - 1968, 21, 140
special character of the American legal profession (compared to UK) - 1995, 126/127, 120
unenumerated rights in the US Constitution; the central role of judges in constitutionalising specific rights and resulting issues - 2023, 190, 8



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