Chronological List of Articles
- 2024
main articles from all past journal issue numbers are listed below
followed by the first page number. The latest editions link to abstracts. Back numbers are available on request from the
"Let no Man....?" (McEwan, R. L.) 6
The Law of Nature: the Basis or a Shackle for Morality? (O'Brien,
R. A. G.) 12
Aquinas, Grotius and the Vietnam War (Johnson, David H. N.) 60
The Role of the Civil Lawyer in Church Courts (Cusack, Lawrence
X.) 72
Mixed Marriages: the new Instruction (Orsy, Ladislaus) 84
Universities and the Idea of Liberty (Rusholme, Lord) 112
Guardian of Morals? (Coventry, John) 123
Parish Councils (Buckley, J. C.) 8
The Abortion Act and Legal Liability (O'Brien, R. A. G.) 16
At Each End of Life: Abnormalities and Resuscitation (Zachary, R.
B.) 42
A Theologian's View of the Right to Life (O'Callaghan, Denis F.)
Life and the Law (Moriarty, Gerald E.) 67
Human Rights and the Academic Lawyer (Fitzgerald, P. J.) 89
Divorce: Need for Re-examination (Walsh, T. K. A.) 96
Reforming the Divorce Law: a Critical Appraisal (Lasok, Dominik)
Lay Attorneys in the Tribunal (Maida, Adam J.) 140
Canon 1014 and American Culture (Kelleher, Stephen J.) 146
The Divorce Issue in the Republic of Ireland (Grogan, Vincent) 155
John Courtney Murray and the Declaration on Religious Liberty (McDonagh,
Edna) 6
On Human Life (Johnson, David H. N.) 21
Human Rights in English Law (Fitzgerald, P. J.) 53
The Spirit of the Common Law and the Reform of Canon Law (Orsy,
Ladislaus) 59
The Cippenham Shared Church Project (Paines, A. J. C.) 73
The "Special Powers" Act of Northern Ireland (MacBride,
Sean) 106
A Parish Council Constitution (Murphy, Marcus) 113
The Children and Young Persons Act 1969 (Lasok, Dominik) 120
The Privy Council, Natural Justice and Certiorari (Horne, John N.)
The Marriage Law of Scotland (Brand, D. W. R) 178
Canon Law for a Pilgrim Church (Walsh, T. K. A.) 181
Religious Freedom: Retrospect and Prospect (Regan, Richard J.) 6
The Family Law Reform Act 1969 (Lasok, Dominik) 20
Nullity: Civil and Church -Some Comparisons (O'Brien, R. A. G.)
Obituary of Hermon Joseph Bond Cockshutt (Sims, Bernard) 40
Natural Justice and the People of God (Grogan, Vincent) 46
Reforming the "Modern" Corporation Perspectives from the
German (Vagts, Detlev. F.) 62
Changing ideas on Obscenity: the American Scene (Ombres, Robert)
Common Law and Canon Law Reform: further Considerations (OBrien,
R. A. G.) 93
Race Relations and Parliament (Hogg, Quintin) 109
Marriage á la Mode (Walsh, T. K. A.) 163
The Last Penal Relic (Penty, Michael H.) 181
Divorce Law Reform Act 1969 (Lasok, Dominik) 198
The Relations of Church and State with Special Reference to England
(Vidler, Alec) 6
The Rule of Law in Church and State: some Comparisons (Sieghart,
Paul) 18
The Status of Catholic Clergy under Canon Law (Shanahan, Daniel)
Permissiveness - Pros and Cons (Butler, B. C.) 52
Marriage and the Role of Women in English History (Bowker, Margaret)
Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act, 1970 (Lasok, Dominik)
Loss and Gain: Some Modern Trends in English Law. Degeneration?
(Wortley, B. A.) 121
Guardianship of Minors Act, 1971 (Lasok, Dominik) 137
Detention without Trial: the Stormont and Pretoria Styles (Mathews,
A. S.) 5
Nullity of Marriage Act, 1971 (Lasok, Dominik) 21
Surrender Rights under the Education Acts (O'Brien, R. A. G.) 26
Law and Lawyers in a Permissive Society (Megarry, Mr Justice) 46
Human Rights: Do they Exist? A Reconsideration (McCarthy, David)
Clashes between Courts: Civil and Ecclesiastical? (Phelan, Andrew)
Is the Unborn Child a Person at Law (Wadsworth, James P.) 88
Divorce in Italy (Dwyer, Christopher) 93
Where Law, Medicine and Morals Intersect (Glenister, T. W.) 101
The Matrimonial Proceedings (Polygamous Marriages) Act, 1972 (Lasok,
Dominik) 123
Do Human Rights Exist? A Reply (Fitzgerald, P. J.) 132
The Tyrant's Plea: a Critical Look at 'Necessity' (McEwen, R. L.)
A Code of Ethics for Businessmen? (Goyder, George) 12
Redefining the Rule of Law (Harper, Tom) 37
Legal Storms in Moral Climates (Capstick, William P.) 45
Goliath's Sword: the Constitutional Problems of Impeachment (McEwen,
R. L.) 54
Obituary for Jacques Maritain (O'Brien, R. A. G.) 70
Enterprise and Ethics (Switzer, J. F. Q) 83
Adoption and Religious Upbringing (Harvey, Philip) 103
The Divorce Reform Act in the Light of Decided Cases (Lasok, Dominik)
Marital Breakdown and Nullity (Dominian, Jack) 150
Due Discretion in Nullity: the Widening Horizons (Reinhardt, Marion
J.) 164
Lane on Abortion (O'Brien, R. A. G.) 13
Abortion Law in the Unites States: the Untoward Christian Action
to Recent Supreme Court Decisions (Crawford, J. M. B.) 19
Wade and Bolton: Medical Critique (Hellegers, Andre) 33
Parent v. Child (Rowe, Peter J.) 42
Obituary for Dorothea O'Sullivan (Harvey, R. J.) 55
Divorce and the Law of Eire (Phelan, Andrew) 61
The Task and Craft of Ethics (Standley, David) 66
The Charity of a Dinner (Ombres, Robert) 84
Lex Injusta non est Lex (Knowles, David) 92
The Beginnings of Human Life: Reflections on Recent Writings (O'Mahony,
Patrick J.) 101
Civil Law and Society's Conscience (Canavan, Francis) 131
Christian Conscience (Coventry, John) 138
Individual Liberty and the Common Good - the Balance (Brown, Brendan
F.) 154
Marriage: Ancient and Modern (Bowker, Margaret) 7
Marriage: a Sign of the Kingdom (Bishop, Jordan) 12
Divorce in Italy: the Referendum and its Aftermath (Dwyer, Christopher)
Jurisprudence in the Canon Law: the Question of Error in Marriage
(Murtagh, Cyril J.) 25
The Developing Theology of Marriage (Hocken, Peter) 29
The Law of Nature and the Law of Nations: Where does the Church
Stand Today? (Connell, D. P. O.) 48
A Developing Concept of Natural Law (Hamilton, Bernice) 67
Problems of a Bill of Rights (Sieghart, Paul) 77
Conspiracy to Corrupt Public Morals: Is there such an Offence? (Worsley,
Michael) 82
Compelled to Abet Murder! (O'Brien, R. A. G.) 86
The Great and Weighty Cause (Harper, Tom) 6
A Legal Perspective on Determining Death (Kennedy, Ian McColl) 10
Non Nasci Melius Fuise (Wadsworth, James P.) 22
Civil Law and Christian Morality: Abortion and the Churches (Curran,
Charles E.) 45
Primum non Nocere (Crawford, J. M. B.) 68
Marriage in Roman Law (Barton, John. L.) 9
Marriage and Sexuality in the Thought of Paul (Hickling, C. J. A.)
Scandal and the Church's New Matrimonial Jurisprudence (Donahue,
Charles) 34
Marrying and Unmarrying in Scots Law (Campbell, A. W.) 52
A British Bill of Rights? (Hailsham, Lord) 82
The Protection of Human Rights (Lee, Gerard A.) 94
Breach of Confidence and the Seal of the Confessional (Harper, Tom)
The Children Act 1975 (Rowe, Peter J.) 7
Parents' Rights and Responsibilities. Problems in Practice: the
Local Government concern (Brill, Kenneth) 13
Parents' Rights and Responsibilities. Problems in Practice: a Children's
Psychiatrist's Concern (Coghlan, Mary) 20
Parents' Rights and Responsibilities. Moral and Sociological Perspectives
(Gaine, Michael) 35
Parents' Rights and Responsibilities. Conclusions (Sieghart, Paul)
Children Born Out of Wedlock: the Convention on their Legal Status
(Lasok, Dominik) 40
Report on 8th Congress of Catholic Jurists: Pax Romana (Crowe, Michael
B.) 54
Abortion Entitlement: Absolute or Qualified? (Crawford, J. M. B.)
Abortion and Irish Law (Mathews, Mary) 81
The Theory of the Danforth Case (Canavan, Francis) 99
Damages in Respect of an Unwanted Child (Lee, Robert G.) 110
Religious Freedom as Part of a Bill of Rights (Robilliard, St. John
A.) 8
Blasphemy and the Law (Amphlett Micklewright, F. H.) 20
Organised Crime in Britain and America (Nairn, R. G.) 32
The Law and the Catholic Judge (Slesser, Henry) 73
Special Defences to Criminal Charges (O'Donoghue, Florence) 80
The Canonical Form of Marriage: Anachronism or Pastoral Necessity?
(Dunderdale, E. G.) 85
Obituary of The Right Hon. Sir Henry Slesser (Denning, Lord) 121
Obituary of R. A. G. O'Brien (Penty, Michael H.) 121
Obituary of Professor Daniel Patrick O'Connell (Johnson, David H.
N.) 122
Human Rights and the British Constitution (Sieghart, Paul) 5
The 'Just War' and the Contemporary World (Draper, G. I. A. D.)
Sociological Perspectives on Kramer v. Kramer (Hornsby-Smith, Michael
P.) 42
Prisoners' Rights - or Privileges? (Sieghart, Paul) 60
The Changing Rationale of England's Obscenity Laws (Manchester,
Colin) 64
Marital Consent: the Canon Law Concepts and Roman Law Influences
(Perry, Joseph N.) 77
Validity of Marriage: Power of the Courts and Power of the Pope
(Shanahan, Daniel) 88
The Abortion Act: a Question of Interpretation (Glazebrook, P. J.)
Administrative Law: Civil and Common Law Systems Compared (Graner,
J. F.) 9
Clerical Celibacy: a Personal View (Hastings, Adrian) 29
Reflections by a Canon Lawyer on Adrian Hasting's Article (Provost,
James H.) 35
Obituary for Mary Philomena Theresa Smith (Brindley, L. P. K.) 62
The Constitution of Ireland and the Declaration on Religious Freedom
(McRedmond, Louis) 71
The 'Common Good' in Catholic Thought: An Outline and Contemporary
Application (Peters, Edward N. J.) 97
Spain: 'Thinking' Christians and Divorce (Gimbernat, Jose A.) 104
Blasphemy and the Law Commission (Amphlett Micklewright, F. H.)
The Revision of Church Law: Conflict and Reconciliation (Alesandro,
John A.) 116
Compulsion as a Defence to Murder: South African Perspectives (Taitz,
Jerold J.) 10
The Indecent Displays (Control) Act 1981 (Robilliard, St. John A.)
Courts and the Vindication of Human Rights in Africa. (Hayfron-Benjamin,
Robert John) 31
Marriage in Crisis (O'Callaghan, Denis F.) 74
Divorce: New Testament Perspectives (Donahue, John R.) 84
Divorce: the State of the Question within the Catholic Church (Davey,
Theodore) 102
Doing Away with Illegitimacy? (Lasok, Dominik) 114
Putting Principles into Practice (Denning, Lord) 10
The Social Challenge to the Common Law (Scarman, Lord) 22
The Unity of Husband and Wife in Common Law (Amphlett Micklewright,
F. H.) 31
Euthanasia and the Right to Die (Doherty, Peter) 60
Catholics and the Warnock Enquiry (Dunstan, G. R.) 71
Developments in the Irish Legal System since 1945 (McMahon, Bryan
M. E.) 78
Judicial Politicisation (Rawlinson, Peter) 87
The Code of Canon Law (Joyce, James) 91
A Half-century of Neighbourliness: Donoghue v. Stevenson reconsidered
(O'Donoghue, Florence) 4
G. K. Chesterton and the Resistance to Positivist Penology (Jenkins,
Philip) 7
Popular Misconceptions: a Note on the Lex Talionis (Tower, Mervyn)
Legislation and Civil Liberties in South Africa (Mathews, A. S.)
The Challenge to the Profession by the Judiciary (Bhagwati, P. N.)
Foreword to 1979 Conference on Declaration of Religious Freedom
(Worlock, Derek) 81
Introduction to 1979 Conference on Declaration of Religious Freedom
(Mitchell, Basil) 86
The Distinction between the Moral and the Juridical Orders in the
Declaration (Curran, Charles E.) 90
The Theology of Religious Freedom (Coventry, John) 100
The Declaration and Human Rights (Fawcett, James E. S.) 105
Religious Freedom: the Context (Murray, John Courtney) 114
Moral and Civic Good (Regan, Richard J.) 4
Divorce: the Irish Constitution and the European Convention (McRedmond,
Louis) 14
Marital Privacy and the Irish Constitution (O'Reilly, James) 18
The Right to Privacy: Roe v. Wade Revisited (Smith, Philip A.) 34
Human Rights Implications for the British Constitution (Lasok, Dominik)
The Ethics of the Professions (Napley, David) 13
When should Conscience be King? (Holler, Anthony) 23
Reinhold Niebuhr on Reason, Nature and Freedom (Hunt, Robert P.)
Integrity and the Law (Hume, Basil) 5
Marriage in the Code of the Canon Law (Orsy, Ladislaus) 9
Economics, Ethics, and the Policies towards Poor Nations (Piderit,
John J.) 22
Child Care Law: the Rights of Outsiders (Ellison, John) 40
Disclosure Versus Confidentiality (Kuhn, Richard D.) 59
The Code of Canon Law on Labour Relations (Hermann, Donald H. J.)
New York Court Adopts Brain-Death Standard for Homicide Cases (Poppe,
Linda P.) 84
Decisions to Forego Medical Treatment (Showalter, J. Stuart) 89
Long-Term Care for the Elderly: an Ethical Analysis (McCullogh,
Laurence B.) 110
The Moral Dimensions of Publius' Statecraft (Grasso, Kenneth L.)
The Uses of History in Law: Some Aspects of the Process (Garcia,
Bonifacio) 27
Pitfalls of Judicial Review (Canavan, Francis) 42
U.K. Courts and European Human Rights (Dwyer, Christopher) 59
Judges & Public Policy in the Light of Gillick (Lee, Simon)
After Warnock (Baker, Scott) 92
What is the Common Good? (Udoidem, S. Iniobong) 99
The Canon Law of the Church of England: its Implications for Unity
(Edwards, Quentin) 5
Should Law be Christian? (Mitchell, Basil) 12
Justice and Equity in the 1983 Code (Ombres, Robert) 23
Formalities of Marriage in English Law (Lucas, Peter) 34
The Sex-shop Trade (Manchester, Colin) 41
Blackstone's Science of Legislation (Lieberman, David) 60
Research into Human Embryos: Possible Responses for the Christian
Lawyer and the Australian Experience (Cole, A. P.) 75
Janaway: a Comment (Poole, David) 82
Christianity and Human Rights (Sieghart, Paul) 5
Family Law Reform Act (1987) (Lasok, Dominik) 20
Blackstone's Science of Legislation (Part II) (Lieberman, David)
St. Thomas on Property: Private Owners, Common Use (Regan, Richard
J.) 46
'Right-to-Die' Cases and Theology (Ausili, Peter) 58
Obituary for Paul Sieghart (Allott, Anthony) 74
Obituary for Herbert Ward Keldany (Willbourn, A. H.) 75
Abortion: from Roe to Webster (Smith, Philip A.) 6
The Protection of Judicial Independence in Latin America (Rosenn,
Keith) 30
Pressures on and Obstacles to an Independent Judiciary (Bhagwati,
P. N.) 44
The Independence of the Legal Profession (Cumaraswarmy, Param) 55
U.S. and Anglo-Australian Decisions on a Husband's Right to Prevent
Abortion (Bentil, John Kodwo) 68
The Court and Persons Unborn (Brown, Michael) 82
Obituary for Ben Atkinson Wortley (Johnson, David H. N.) 89
The Attitude of the Law to Religion in a Secular Society (Balcombe,
Lord Justice) 5
The Common Law and the Third World (Allott, Anthony) 20
The Education Reform Act 1988 (Cunningham, R. F.) 39
Criminal Liability and Death from Emotional Shock due to Anothers'
Unlawful Act (Bentil, John Kodwo) 47
New Constitutional and Penal Theory in Spanish Abortion Law (Stith,
Richard) 55
How can we justify breaking the Law? (Allott, Anthony) 5
Juvenile Offenders and the Rebuttable Presumption of doli incapax
(Bentil, John Kodwo) 14
Sartre and Law (Conneely, Michael) 23
The Multinationals and the Bootmaker (Dwyer, Christopher) 31
Strikes in Essential Services - Balancing Essential Interests (Hodge,
Andrew) 48
The Length of the Chancellor's Foot: some Principles Governing the
Exercise of Judicial Discretion (Jones, Gareth) 4
Local Authorities and Schools Opting Out - the Minister's Role Reviewed
(Robinson, Jonathan) 18
Should We Abolish the Oath? (Bartle, Ronald) 28
Unilateral Conditions (Brown, Michael A.) 31
The Sabbath was made for Man (Lasok, Paul) 44
The Changing Nature of Marriage (Dominian, Jack) 55
Legal and Ethical Implications of the RU486 Abortion Pill (Cole,
A. P.) 62
The Courts and the Rights of the Unborn Child (Wadsworth, James
P.) 66
The Declaration of Independence in the Original Understanding of
the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment (Ray, John)
A New Framework for English Sentencing (Ashworth, A.) 4
The Irish X Case. The Rights of the Mother and the Unborn (Conneely,
M.) 10
Mentally Incapacitated Adults and Decision-Making (Brown, M., Cole,
A.P. & Ombres, R.) 23
The Case for 'Higher Law' (Montgomery, J.W.) 31
Judicial Intervention in Church Affairs in New South Wales (Fisher,
S.) 51
Obituary for F. M. Amphlett-Micklewright (Hawtin, Gillian) 90
Just Deserts and the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (Allott, A.) 95
Modern Pardons: Lessons from the Hebrew Bible (Wright, J. H.) 109
Anti-abortion before the European Court (Lasok, D.) 126
We Try Harder: The Law of Ethics and Social Responsibility for Small
Business Enterprise (Burke, W.T.) 130
Old Law and New Ethics: Bland's Case and Not Feeding the Comatose
(Fisher, A.) 4
The Patient's Consent (Brown, M.) 19
The Revival of Marriage: a Policy for Church and State. Part I (Brown,
G.) 36
Aboriginal Rights and Wrongs - The Mabo Land Case (Allott, A.) 84
When Is a Jew Not a Jew (Montgomery, J.W.) 108
The Revival of Marriage: a Policy for Church and State. Part II
(Brown, G.) 111
Justice on Trial (Wadsworth, J.) 126
Judicial Non-Intervention in Church Affairs in New South Wales:
An (Un)satisfactory Postscript (Fisher, S.) 128
'Stewards of the Trust': Trusteeship and the Governance of Roman
Catholic Voluntary Aided Schools (Arthur, James) 3
Law and Justice (Montgomery, J.W.) 12
An Australian Development of the Duty to Inform and Advise Patients
(Tobin, Bernadette) 26
A Christian State? (McIlroy, David) 32
Medico-Legal Decision Making at the End of Life (Duddington, J.
G.) 80
Law & Morality: Friends or Foes? (Montgomery, J. W.) 87
Children and Divorce Reform (Brown, George) 107
Put the Lens Cap back on Cameras in the Court Room: A Fair Trial
is at Stake (Lassiter, Christo) 111
Is There a Need for a Dialectic of Nature? (Conneely, Michael) 121
Fairness - A Missing Theme in Education (O'Keeffe, Bernadette) 3
The Role of the Church in Education in England and Wales (Lankshear,
David) 17
Public Control in Education (Cunningham, Richard) 27
School Worship in England and Wales (Hart, Colin) 31
Teaching and Employment Conditions in Catholic Schools (Arthur,
James) 40
Teachers' Contracts of Employment - An Irish Perspective (Upton,
John) 54
Special Educational Needs: A Developing Legal Challenge (Duddington,
John) 58
Charitable Trusts: The Catholic Church in English Law (Ombres, R.)
Indirect Discrimination: England's Preference for Absolute Barriers
May Disadvantage Claimants (Connolly, Michael) 83
Porn Again: Cause and Defect (Court, John H. & Reisman, Judith,
A.) 91
Human Rights and Democracy Clauses in the E.C.'s Trade Agreements
(Cremona, Marise) 105
The American Law Teaching Experience (Montgomery, J.W.) 120
Obituary for Robert Heuston (Duddington, John) 144
Family Law Reform (The Lord Chancellor, Lord Mackay) 3
Marriage: From Contract to Relationship (Dominian, J.) 15
What about the Children? (Brown, George) 18
Sex Education and the Law (Riches, Valerie) 22
Welfare Law, Families and Poverty (Shelley, Catherine) 29
A View from the Temple (Brown, George) 35
Marriage, Sex and Consents (McIlroy, David) 41
Abortion: Challenging the Grounds (Duddington, J.G.) 50
A Bishop in the House of Lords (Goodrich, P.) 63
Conduct Unbecoming (Evans, G.R.) 66
Christian Ethics and US Immigration Policy (Reese, W.M.) 84
The Alleged Myth of the Mafia (Montgomery, J.W.) 100
The Concept of Distress in the Termination of Pregnancy (Jersey)
Law 1997 (Lakeman, Christopher) 4
Mediaeval Commercial Morality: Its Application to Today's World
(McIlroy, David) 9
The Employment Status of Ministers of Religion (Evans, Gillian)
An Independent Preview of the Cameroon-Nigeria Conflict before the
World Court (Akpan, Emmanuel) 39
Human and Civil Rights Education - African Perspective with South
Africa as a Case Study (Iya, Philip) 49
Vindicating Rights in the Catholic Church: The Balasuriya Affair
(Barratt, Richard) 4
Having and Giving Reasons: the Cambridge Promotions Controversy
(Evans, Gillian) 13
I am Thirsty (Cole, Anthony) 29
The Nature of the Obligations to Obey the Law (McIlroy, David) 32
Identification Evidence has its Peculiar Problems (Akpan, Emmanuel)
Spanish Manslaughter and Guernsey Assets (Robilliard, St. John)
Who Decides? (Archibald, Moyra & Duddington, John) 9
Discrimination (McIlroy, David) 13
Richard O'Sullivan (Duddington, John) 18
Edmund Plowden (O'Sullivan, Richard) 19
Thomas More (Duddington, John) 35
The Right to Privacy (Barrett, Richard) 39
Legal Challenges to the Closure of Buckfast Abbey School (Arthur,
James & Upton, John) 58
Counsels of Perfection: Reforming Asylum Law (Gretason, Mark) 80
Immigration (McIlroy, David) 97
Religious Discrimination in Employment (Dwyer, Christopher) 105
Advocacy, Classical Rhetoric, and Legal Ethics (Montgomery, J.W.)
Lord Denning and the Influence of William Temple (Phang, Andrew)
Medical Decision Making at the End of Life - Euthanasia in the 1990s
and Beyond (Lord McColl of Dulwich) 16
Child 'M' and her Heart Transplant - a Christian Doctor's Reflection
(Fergusson, Andrew) 22
The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Human Cloning. Part One: Legal
Aspects (Duddington, John) 26
Compelling Caesarean Sections (Herring, Jonathan) 43
The U.K. Definition of Death (Jones, David Albert) 56
Human Dignity in Birth and Death: A Question of Values (Montgomery,
J.W.) 65
The Pinochet Case (Tate, Michael) 87
Supporting Families (Brown, George) 91
The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Human Cloning. Part Two: Ethical
Aspects (Duddington, John) 100
Canon Law as the Juridic Reflection of Theological Norms (Montgomery,
J.W.) 106
A Christian View of the Role of the State (McIlroy, David) 117
Critical Legal Studies, Economic Development and Human Rights (Phang,
Andrew) 122
Pacta Sunt Servanda: The Influence of Canon Law upon the Development
of Contractual Obligations (Jeremy, Anthony) 4
Law and Ethics: Reflections of a Practising Solicitor (Archibald,
Moyra) 18
The U.K. Separation of Powers and the Coming of the Human Rights
Act 1998 (Capstick, William) 33
Christian Education and Worship in State Schools (Montgomery, J.W.)
A Christian Concept of Law: A Theology of Law and its Application
Today (McIlroy, David) 49
Dominik Lasok - an Appreciation (Lasok, Paul) 4
Can Blasphemy Law be Justified? (Montgomery, J.W.) 6
The New Clergy Discipline Measure of the Church of England (Evans,
G.R.) 21
Edmund Plowden and the Woolsack: A Query (Parmiter, Geoffrey de
C.) 29
Christian Perspectives on Society (McIlroy, David) 38
Canon Law as a Juridic Reflection of Theological Norms: A Reply
(Jukes, John) 52
A Brief Reply to Bishop Jukes (Montgomery, J.W.) 56
Divorce Reform (Brown, George) 57
Magna Carta and the Protection of Human Rights in Europe (Bradley,
A.W.) 5
Human Rights - Values for a Godless Age? (Dwyer, Christopher) 28
Conjoined Twins: The Limits of Reason and the Transcendent Hope
- Part One (Phang, Andrew) 38
The Children Act 1989 (Brown, George) 57
The Good Friday Agreement: Future Indicators (Barrett, Richard)
The 8th Richard O'Sullivan Memorial Lecture. Thomas More. A Saint
for the New Millennium (Lord Nolan) 79
Conjoined Twins: The Limits of Reason and the Transcendent Hope
- Part Two (Phang, Andrew) 89
Criminal Justice in Europe: a Common Currency? (Jakobi, Stephen)
Bash the Burglar? Reflections on the Tony Martin Case (Burnside,
Jonathan) 122
A Divorce Reform Bill (Brown, George) 132
Crime, Guilt and Punishment in the Old Testament (Gretason, Mark)
EU Employment Law and Religious Organisations (Calvert, Simon &
Hart, Colin) 4
The Relevance of the Old Testament Law for Today. Part One (McIlroy,
David) 21
A Safe Bet? (Lampard, Rebecca) 38
Subsidiarity as a Jurisprudential and Canonical Theory (Montgomery,
John Warwick) 46
Obituary for Prof. Anthony Allott (Nzerem, Richard) 62
Obituary for Mgr. Edward Dunderdale (Brown, Ralph) 63
Obituary for Michael Penty, founder Editor of Law and Justice (Duddington,
John) 72
The Notion of a National Church: a Juridical Framework (Doe, Norman)
National Churches and the Roman Catholic Church (Ombres, Robert)
The Methodist Church and the Idea of a National Church (Beck, Brian)
The Church of England as a National Church (Avis, Paul) 111
The Church of Ireland and the Concept of National Church (Milne,
Kenneth) 118
The Church of Scotland as a National Church (MacLean, Marjory) 125
The Church in Wales: a Church for the Welsh Nation (Jones, Huw)
A Baptist Response to the Notion of a National Church (Weaver, John)
'National' Churches, Territoriality and Mission (Cranmer, Frank)
Looking back over forty years of Family Law (Brown, George) 8
The Christian Tradition in English Law (Wortley, Ben) 10
The Relevance of Old Testament Law for Today. Part Two (McIlroy,
David) 21
A Law on Religious Hatred: Entrenching Pluralism? (Gretason, Mark)
Assisted Suicide, Christian Theology and the Law (Cruz, Peter de)
The Ius of War in Contemporary Legal Practice (Tate, Michael) 96
Subsidiarity and Sphere Sovereignty (McIlroy, David) 111
Life can be Difficult if you are Bessarabian Orthodox (Montgomery,
John Warwick) 137
Aston Cantlow: Chancel Repairs and the Status of Church of England
Institutions (Pearce, Augur) 163
The European Constitution and God (Stuart, Gisela) 3
Sociology, Law and Religion in the United Kingdom (Oliva, Javier)
France and Greece: Two Approaches to Religious Pluralism (Ferrari,
Alessandro with Nicholson, Joanna & Papastathis, Kostantinos
& Fornerod, Anne) 27
Sociology, Law and Religion in Italy and Spain (De Castro, Juan
Antonio Alberca & Oliva, Javier with Cianitto, Cristiana) 44
A New Sociology of Law on Religion - Towards a New Discipline: Legal
Responses to Religious Pluralism in Europe (Doe, Norman) 68
Beginnings: A New Look at the Early Embryo (Foster, Charles) 93
Employment Status and Social Security Rights of Ministers of Religion
in Spain (Cortina, Andres-Corsino & Blanco, Miguel) 100
Halal and Shechita Slaughter: What should Christians think? (Foster,
Charles) 123
Church Governance and Separation of Powers (Cranmer, Frank) 128
Resuscitating Babies (Cole, Anthony) 152
The Future Role of the National Church (Harte, David) 157
Safeguarding the Sacred in Society: The Future Role of the National
Church. A Norwegian Perspective (Aarflot, Andreas) 159
Pope John Paul II (Ombres, Robert) 4
Contemporary Human Rights and Christianity (McCorquodale, Robert)
Royal Marriages & Human Rights (Dwyer, Christopher) 27
Organism or Mechanism? The Principle of Subsidiarity (John, Catherine
Rachel) 31
International Law: Idea or Reality? (Wicker, Brian) 35 The Metaphysics
of Feeding Tubes: The Law and Ethics of Withdrawing Life-Sustaining
Treatment (Foster, Charles) 57 Reflections on 'A Biblical View of
Law and Justice' (Watt, Gary) 66
Federalism in the Proposed EU and in the US Constitutions (Regan,
Richard) 87 Discreet Festivity and Social Intercourse: Public Benefit
in the Law of Charity (Duddington, John) 100
Justice: Retribution or Reconciliation? (de Blois, Matthijs) 103 Wyclif
and Law as an Interdisciplinary Subject in Fourteenth Century Oxford
(Evans, Gillian) 123 Maintenance of Clergy in the Italian Catholic
Church (Cianitto, Cristiana) 137
God's Justice and Ours (Scalia, Antonin) 3
Moral Theology and Capital Punishment (Hoose, Bernard) 11
The USA and the Death Penalty: A View from the Outside (Wadsworth,
James) 24
Oliver O'Donovan and the Tradition
of Christian Thought Regarding the Death Penalty (McIlroy, David)
Mercy Killing: All Change or Business as Usual? (Foster, Charles)
Respecting Human Rights (Mahoney, Jack) 53
Ministers of Religion and Discrimination Law: A Story from the Glens
of Angus (Duddington, John) 59
Judicial Politicisation (Rawlinson, Peter) 67
The Legal Basis of the Title 'Defender of the Faith': a note (Duddington,
John) 71
Crime and its Causes - a View from the Inside (Anon) 4
Marriage in Eastern and Western Canon Law (Gallagher, Clarence)
Legal Regulation of Religious Giving (Ridge, Pauline) 17
When Club Members Fall Out: The Changing Law on Religious Trusts
(Gretason, Mark) 29
The Incoherence of Moral Scepticism and the Foundations of Human
Rights (Laing, Jacqueline) 39
Slavery, Human Dignity and Human Rights (Montgomery, John Warwick)
The Catholic Church and Slavery (Maxwell, John) 23
Legal Perspectives and Religious Perspectives of Religious Rights
under International Law in the Vatican Concordats (1963 - 2004)
(Petkoff, Peter) 30
British Ideas for the teaching of Religion in State Schools in Spain
(Oliva, Javier Garcia) 54
The Seduction of Iconoclasm (Woolgar, Dermot) 64
Caring (Herring, Jonathan) 89
The Question of Torture (Bishop, Jordan) 103
Legislation in a context of moral disagreement: the case of the
Sexual Orientation Regulations (McIlroy, David) 114
God, Caesar and Ministers of Religion (Duddington, John) 129
The Archbishop and Sharia (Cranmer, Frank) 4
Animal-human hybrids: Do theology or philosophy help? (Foster, Charles) 6
A Court of Law, not of Morals? (Cranmer, Frank) 13
Religious Freedom in Spain; an Unresolved Question? (de Castro, Juan) 25
Equally before the Law (Phillips of Worth Matravers, Lord) 75
The Changing Criminal Law of Religion (Doe, Norman & Sandberg, Russell) 88
Catholic Adoption Agencies and 'Gay Adopters' (Costigane, Helen) 98
Government and Parliamentary News: a round up for 2008 (Cranmer, Frank) 111
Church-State Relationships: An Overview (Cranmer, Frank & Garcia Oliva, Javier) 4
The Place of Religious Arguments for Law Reform in a Secular State (Chaplin, Jonathan) 18
Religion, Human Rights and the Council of Europe: a note (Cranmer, Frank) 36
Religion and the state in the United States at the turn of the twenty-first century (Durham, W. Cole & Smith, Robert T.) 47
Law and Religion in Latin America (Pereira, Carmen Asiain) 62
Catholic Education (Costigane, Helen) 103
The Theology of Law of Norman Anderson (McIlroy, David) 110
Britich and Spanish legislation on abortion: a brief comparative overview (Martin, Isabel Zurita) 127
How far can religion affect employment? (Dwyer, Christopher) 142
Buddhism and its relationship with International Law (Dias, Noel & Gamble, Roger) 3
Islam and English Law (Sandberg, Russell) 27
Hindu Law (Menski, Werner) 45
Jewish Approaches to Law (Religious & Secular) (Jackson, Bernard S.) 63
Who is a Jew? Jewish Faith Schools and the Race Relations Act 1976 (Cranmer, Frank) 75
Why Have a Tribunal of Second Instance? (Costigane, Helen & Hurley, James B.) 117
Legal pluralism in the liberal state: A defence of the Archbishop of Canterbury or a human rights impasse? (Hill, Ryan) 124
Malchus's Ear Revisited: Reflections on Classical Canon Law as a Religious Legal System (Donahue, Charles) 144
Financing of Churches in Italy (Durisotto, David) 159
The Values of the Kingdom and the Laws of this World: an engagement with the thought of Matthijs de Blois (Hyde, Jonathan) 172
Abortion: an Irishwomen's Right to Choose? (Cranmer, Frank) 5
Conscientious Objection in Medicine: Various Myths (Campbell, Mark) 28
Churches and Equal Employment Policy in the United States and the United Kingdom (Waltman, Jerold) 37
The Continuing Relevance of Doctors' Commons (Pocklington, David) 52
Edmund Plowden and the Rule of Law (Longmore, Andrew) 5
Maga and Direct Liability in Negligence (Hall, Helen) 11
Maga and Vicarious Liability for Sexual Abuse (Cranmer, Frank) 20
Legal Protection of Sacred Places as a Medieval Gloss - Towards Working 'Soft Law' Guidelines under Public International Law (Petkoff, Peter) 27
Witchcraft: from Crime to Civil Liberty (Harris, Caroline) 54
Baptist Church Polity and Practice (Goodliff, Paul) 5
The Church of England and the State: A National Church for a Plural Nation (Harte, David) 22
The Law of the Catholic Church and the Law of the State (Read, Gordon) 44
The Legal Position of the Anglican Church in New Zealand and Australia: Quasi-Establishment and Consensual Compact (Cox, Noel) 62
Church Law and the Nuttiness Coefficient (Cranmer, Frank) 157
Secular Law:
Is it at all Possible? (McIlroy, David) 172
Stair, Natural
Law and Scotland (Allison, Stephen) 189
Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission: Defining the 'Ministerial Exception' in U.S. Employment
Law (Waltman, Jerold) 210
A Critical
Legal Pluralist Analysis of R (On the Application of Begum) v Headteacher
and Governors of Denbigh High School (Codling, Amy R.) 224
Vicarious liability for sexual abuse; unincorporated association of lay brothers:
an extended note on The Catholic Welfare Society and others v and The Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (Hall, Helen) 246
The 10th Richard O'Sullivan Memorial Lecture: Does Establishment have a Future? (Lord Mackay of Clashfern) 7
How Does Christianity regard English Law? (McIlroy, David) 19
The Influence of the Bible on English Political Thought (Spencer, Nick) 49
Accommodating Religion in the Workplace - or Maybe Not? A Note on Chaplin, Eweida, Ladele and McFarlane (Cranmer, Frank) 67
Church and State in the Roberts Court (Waltman, Jerold) 5
Institutional religious symbols, state neutrality and protection of minorities in Europe (Martinez-Torron, Javier) 21
Religious Symbols and the European Convention on Human Rights (Hill, Daniel J. & Whistler, Daniel) 52
Conscience in the courts - another view of Eweida (Bartlet, Michael) 70
The Employment Status of the Clergy: Preston starts to unravel (Duddington, John) 79
The Theology of Law (Micklem, Nathaniel) 4
Half-Opening Cans of Worms: The Present State of 'High' Anglican Establishment (Morris, Robert) 10
Canonical Equity in the Latin Church and Economy in the Orthodox Church: an equivalent relaxation or essentially different system? (Dickinson, Meryl) 27
For a European Range of Clearly Defined Usury Rates (Cavalier, Georges) 42
The EHRC's Work on Religion or Belief (Perfect, David) 113
Human Rights Theory: Fit for Purpose, Fundamentally Flawed or Reformable? (McIlroy, David) 129
The Regulation of Cremation Residues by Church and State - Past, Present and Future (Pocklington, David) 145
Trying to Catch the Deluge: Shari'ah, Terrorism and Religious Freedom (Carneiro, Pedro Erik) 173
The Living Rule of Law: an Essay in Virtue Jurisprudence (Rivers, Julian) 5
Blame Games: A Christian Perspective on "No-Fault" Divorce (Hyde, Jonathan) 35
Towards the Reasonable Accommodation of Religious Freedom (Smith, Peter) 77
Wales and the Law of Marriage: 'Vestiges of Establishment' Revisited (Cranmer, Frank) 96
The Magna Carta, a One Nation Justice Policy, Access to Justice and the Role of the Church (Caplen, Andrew) 166
Are Political Beliefs Religious Now? (Sandberg, Russell) 180
Voting, Values and Virtue: the hopeful quest for Christian political unity (Spencer, Nick) 198
The Constitutional theory of Burwell v Hobby Lobby (Alexander, Rachel) 209
The Churches' Funerals Group and some current issues in burial law and practice (Cranmer, Frank) 228
11th Richard O'Sullivan Memorial Lecture: Can a Christian still be a High Court Judge today? (Hedley, Mark) 6
What are the implications of being a church-controlled charity in the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church? (Meakin, Robert) 18
Marriage law reform in England and Wales: a note (Cranmer, Frank) 39
The new legal status of religious organisations in Greece (Tsivolas, Theodosios) 42
Catholic and Protestant Approaches to Law: some initial thoughts (Duddington, John) 59
Toasted? Christian bakers told to bake cake in support of same-sex marriage (Smith, Peter) 119
ADR and the Kingdom of God: Appropriate Dispute Resolution for Christian Lawyers? (Hyde, Jonathan)130
Conscience and Concordat: When Two Worlds Collide? (Costigane, Helen) 146
Gilmour v Coats Revisited: a study in the Law of Public Benefit in Charity Law Today (Meakin, Robert) 157
The Sharia Law Debate: The Missing Family Law context (Sandberg, Russell & Thompson, Sharon) 181
Luther the Lawyer: The Lutheran Reformation of Law, Politics and Society (Witte Jr., John) 6
How the Reformation Shaped Ecclesiastical and Secular Law in Great Britain (Cranmer, Frank) 37
Taking the Queen's Shilling: The Implications for Religious Freedom for Religions being registered as Charities (Meakin, Robert) 57
Church of England Clergy and Employment Law (Forde, Barry) 80
Approaches to Law: Catholic and Protestant (Helmholz, Richard) 117
Catholic and Protestant Approaches to Human Rights (McIlroy, David) 135
Preston: another lap of the circuit or a signpost? (Hicks, John) 159
The Rule of Law and the Church in Wales (Glyn Watkin, Thomas) 171
Reasonable Accommodation for Religion in Employment and Provision of Services (Cranmer, Frank) 187
The Vulnerability
of God and Humanity (Herring, Jonathan) 5
The Time for
Legal History: Some Reflections on Maitland and Milsom fifty years
on (Sandberg, Russell) 21
be the Amending Hand (Duddington, John) 38 Exorcism
and the Law: Are the Ghosts of the Reformation Haunting Contemporary
Debates on Safeguarding versus Autonomy? (Garcia Oliva, Javier
and Hall, Helen) 51 A
Veiled Threat (Doomen, Jasper) 82
Cake, Compelled Speech, and a Modest Step forward for Religious Liberty: The Supreme Court Decision in Lee v Ashers (Hambler, Andrew) 156
Equality, Discrimination and Ecclesiastical Personnel (Grout, Christopher) 171
Christopher St German's: A Discourse of the Sacramentes Howe Many There Are (Johnson, Michelle L.) 189
Catholic Schools and the Admissions Cap (Barber, Paul) 207
Euthanasia, Withdrawing Treatment and the Concept of Intention (Wee, Michael) 7
The Legitimate Expectation of Diocesan Clerics in Catholic Canon Law (Ombres, Robert) 25
Charity Law Aspects of the Sex Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church (Meakin, Robert) 37
The Law on the Employment of Teachers in Voluntary Schools and Academies (Barber, Paul) 49
The Vulnerability of God: a reply to Jonathan Herring (Fox, Helen) 58
Aquinas on the Unfolding of Law (Conrad, Richard) 118
Of Course Human Law Develops: Can Natural and Divine Law Develop? (Budziszewski, J.) 134
The Tasks of Human Lawgivers: The Torah as Exemplar (Conrad, Richard) 155
When Should Human Law Change? Assessing Legal Code (Meade, Ryan) 176
Why Can't We Stop Pretending Law Has Anything to do with Justice? A Critical Natural Law Theory (McIlroy, David) 7
Making a Critical Natural Law Theory a Bit More Critical: A Response to David McIlroy (Van Drunen, David) 25
Challenging the Right to Offend Religious Sensibilities in the Face of Foreseeable Harm (Hill, Ryan) 37
A Journey of Hope: a Catholic Approach to Sentencing Reform (Allmark, Liam) 58
Bostock v Clayton County and Religious Liberty (Waltman, Jerold) 110
Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion in the Context of the Transgender Debate (Grout, Christopher) 121
What St Augustine of Hippo would say about Law today? (McIlroy, David) 140
Non-Religious Belief in Charity Law: Time for a Rethink? (Meakin, Robert) 155
Covid 19, Good Friday 2021 and the Metropolitan Police (Cranmer, Frank) 4
The Constitutional and Political Theology of Ernst Wolfgang Böckenförde (Steenvoorde, Richard) 10
Circumcision in Modern European Society and the autonomy of religious organisations (Prodger, Rebecca) 20
From Yesterday to Today: The Continuing Debate on whether we should Abolish the Oath (Bartle, Ronald and Kennedy, Michael) 39
Covid 19 and Religion in the United Kingdom (Cranmer, Frank & Pocklington, David) 96
Religious and non-religious belief in charity law (Pollock, David) 121
Reasonable Adjustments vs Indirect Discrimination: are all protected characteristics equal under the UK Equality Act 2010? A review of religious and disability discrimination in employment cases (Bacquet, Sylvie & Bunbury, Stephen) 6
"Why is it so much Agony to Remove a Memorial to Slavery?": the Rustat Judgment (Cranmer, Frank) 21
The Seal of Confession (Read, Gordon) 28
The Unexpected Benefit of Hindsight: Reassessing the Legal Importance of the Black Death from the Vantage Point of the Covid Pandemic (Sandberg, Russell) 38
A Bill of Rights to replace the Human Rights Act (Parker, Nigel) 51
Alasdair MacIntyre's Critique of Human Dignity: A Response (McCrudden, Christopher) 110
Confession in the Anglican Church - Breaking the Seal? (Deadman, Richard) 126
The Penal Consequences of the Violation of the Seal of Confession (Poland, John) 142
Law as the Calling of Human Nature: the Theology of Law of David W. Opderbeck (McIlroy, David) 157
Dobbs v. Jackson
Women's Health Organization & the Future of Other Rights? (Waltman,
Jerold) 8
Bad Rabbis:
Clergy Discipline in a Jewish Contect (Kanter-Webber, Gabriel)
The Trial of
the Cock Lane Ghost: Criminal Law, Religious Orthodoxy and Social
Values in Enlightenment London (Garcia Oliva, Javier & Hall, Helen)
The Functions
of the Principle of Dignity in Anti-trafficking Adjudication (Haynes,
Jason) 62
The 14th Richard O'Sullivan Memorial Lecture: A New Great Awakening of Religious Freedom in America (Witte, John Jr) 119
Clergy Abuse: A Hard Path for Claimants (Tettenborn, Andrew) 138
Clergy Discipline in the Latin Church (Poland, John) 150
The Seminal Case of Butler-Sloss v Charity Commission: The Purpose of Capital (Fletcher, Luke) 167
Say a Prayer for Article 9? R (on the Application of TTT) v Michaela School and the Question of Interference (Sandberg, Russell) 3
Reconciling Judicial Approaches to Limitations on Rights in Hard Cases: the Challenge of Religious Freedom (Haynes, Jason) 16
Richard O'Sullivan and the American Supreme Court (Orme, Jacob) 27
The Development of a Religious Literacy Standard for the Public Sector (Hammond, Mark & Wakelin, Michael) 42
Mere Legality - C.S.Lewis on the Necessary Connection between Natural Law and the Rule of Law (McIlroy, David) 51
Clergy discipline in the Church of England (Collier, Peter)
Human Rights Implications for the British Constitution (Lasok, Dominik)
Vicarious Liability and Enterprise Risk: a Benefit or Jeopardy Centred Approach? (Hall, Helen & Oliva, Javier Garcia)
Office holders and their Duties and Rights in Catholic Canon Law (Ombres, Robert)
"Rethinking Law and Religion:" Russell Sandberg reflects critically on its academic focus and future direction (Cranmer, Frank)
Published by:
The Edmund Plowden Trust