List of Contributors
- 2024
The contributors of main articles, book reviews, case notes or letters from all past journal issue numbers are listed alphabetically by surname.
Safeguarding the Sacred in Society: The Future Role of
the National Church. A Norwegian Perspective - 2004, 153, 159
Book review
Company Law and Capitalism - 1973, 40, 107
Company Law Reform - 1973, 40, 107
Afiq bin Baharum, Muhammad
Book review
Constitutional Statecraft in Asian Courts, by Yvonne Tew - 2022, 189, 185
Akpan, Emmanuel
An Independent Preview of the Cameroon-Nigeria Conflict before the
World Court - 1997, 132/133, 39
Identification Evidence has its Peculiar Problems - 1997, 134/135,
Alesandro, John A.
The Revision of Church Law: Conflict and Reconciliation - 1981,
70/71, 116
Alexander, Rachel
The Constitutional theory of Burwell v Hobby Lobby - 2015, 175, 209
Al-Astewni, Amin
Book review
Misquoting Muhammad: The Challemge and Choices of Interpreting the Prophet's Legacy by Jonathan Brown - 2015, 175, 253
Accommodating Muslims under Common Law by Salim Farrar & Ghena Krayem - 2017, 178, 100
Al-Feel, Ali Adnan
Book review
Good courts: the case for problem solving justice - 2006, 157, 54
Allison, Stephen
Stair, Natural
Law and Scotland - 2012,
169, 189
Allmark, Liam
A Journey of Hope: a Catholic Approach to Sentencing Reform - 2020, 184, 58
Allott, Anthony
Obituary for Paul Sieghart - 1989, 100/101, 74
How can we justify breaking the Law? - 1990, 106/107, 5
The Common Law and the Third World - 1990, 104/105, 20
Just Deserts and the Criminal Justice Act 1991 - 1992, 114/115,
Aboriginal Rights and Wrongs - The Mabo Land Case - 1993, 118/119,
Case note
R v Brown (1993) - 1994, 120/121, 41
Book review
Independent Africa - the Challenge to the Legal Profession - 1968,
20, 117
The Future of Law in a Multicultural World - 1972, 37, 145
The Judge - 1979, 62/63, 103
Legal Philosophies - 1982, 72/73, 46
Polygamy in England - 1968, 18, 33
Allott, Phillip
Book review
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties - 1974, 43, 75
Amphlett Micklewright,
F. H.
Blasphemy and the Law - 1979, 60/61, 20
Blasphemy and the Law Commission - 1981, 70/71, 109
The Unity of Husband and Wife in Common Law - 1983, 76/77, 31
Book review
Law & Politics in the Middle Ages - 1977, 54/55, 123
Doctors' Commons - a History of the College of Advocates and Doctors
of Law - 1978, 58/59, 121
The Lawyer & Justice - 1980, 64/65, 29
An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation by Jeremy
Bentham - 1983, 76/77, 49
Religion and the Law - Religious Liberty in Modern English Law -
1984, 80/81, 52
Pornography and Politics: a Look Back to the Williams Committee
- 1984, 80/81, 54
Book review
Religious Freedom in the European Union by Achilles Emilianides (ed.) - 2013, 171, 95
Archibald, Moyra
Who Decides? - 1998, 136/137, 9
Law and Ethics: Reflections of a Practising Solicitor - 2000, 144,
Part-time workers excluded from Credit Protection Insurance - 1993,
116/117, 54
Arlow, Ruth
Case note
AI v MT - 2013, 170, 105
Arribas, Santiago Cañamares
Book review
Religion in Public Spaces: A European Perspective, edited by Silvio Ferrari and Sabrina Pastorelli - 2013, 170, 88
Arthur, James
'Stewards of the Trust': Trusteeship and the Governance of Roman
Catholic Voluntary Aided Schools - 1994, 120/121, 3
Teaching and Employment Conditions in Catholic Schools - 1995, 124/125,
Legal Challenges to the Closure of Buckfast Abbey School - 1998,
136/137, 58
Ashe, T. Michael
Book review
Life and Death with Liberty and justice - 1981, 68/69, 47
Ashworth, A.
A New Framework for English Sentencing - 1992, 112/113, 4
Ausili, Peter
'Right-to-Die' Cases and Theology - 1989, 100/101, 58
Avis, Paul
The Church of England as a National Church - 2002, 149, 111
Bacquet, Sylvie
Reasonable Adjustments vs Indirect Discrimination: are all protected characteristics equal under the UK Equality Act 2010? A review of religious and disability discrimination in employment cases - 2022, 188, 6
Book review
Law and Religion by Russell Sandberg - 2011, 167, 87
Religion, Law and Society by Russell Sandberg - 2014, 173, 213
Religion, Law and the Constitution: Balancing Beliefs in Britain, by Javier Garcia Oliva and Helen Hall - 2017, 179, 207
Research Handbook on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Law and Religion, ed. R Sandberg, N Doe, B Kane and C Roberts - 2020, 185, 179
Baker, Scott
After Warnock - 1987, 94/95, 92
Balcombe, Lord Justice
The Attitude of the Law to Religion in a Secular Society - 1990,
104/105, 5
Barber, Paul
Catholic Schools and the Admissions Cap - 2018, 181, 207
The Law on the Employment of Teachers in Voluntary Schools and Academies - 2019, 182, 49
Barratt, Richard
Vindicating Rights in the Catholic Church: The Balasuriva Affair
- 1997, 134/135, 4
The Right to Privacy - 1998, 136/137, 39
The Good Friday Agreement: Future Indicators - 2001, 146, 67
Barry, John C.
Book review
Divorce and Remarriage for Catholics? - 1974, 44, 107
On Dissolving Indissolubility - 1977, 52/53, 68
Bartle, Ronald
Should We Abolish the Oath? - 1991, 108/109, 28; reprinted 2021, 186, 39
Bartlet, Michael
Conscience in the courts - another view of Eweida - 2013, 171, 70
Barton, John M. T.
Book review
An Introduction to English Canon Law - 1967, 17, 133
Barton, John. L.
Marriage in Roman Law - 1977, 52/53, 9
Baxster, Kathleen
Book review
Women and the Law - 1986, 88/89, 47
Beck, Brian
The Methodist Church and the Idea of a National Church - 2002, 149,
Beddard, Ralph
Book Review
Guide to International Human Rights Practice edited by Hurst Hannum
- 1993, 118/119, 152
Bell, Andrew
Case note
Howard E. Perry Ltd v British Railways Board - 1980, 66/67, 107
Bell, T. S.
Book review
Criminal Law and Colonial Subject - 1994, 120/121, 68
Beloff, Michael
Case note
Charter v The Race Relations Board - 1974, 43, 78
Benenson, Peter
Case note
Olivier and another v Buttigieg - 1968, 19, 80
Book review
Toward a Theory of Civil Disobedience - 1967, 17, 135
A Man for All Seasons - a film - 1967, 16, 104
The Australian Constitution and the Australian Aborigine - 1968,
21, 164
The European Convention on Human Rights - 1976, 51, 75
Roe v Wade, BBC1 film review - 1990, 104/105, 90
Bentil, John Kodwo
U.S. and Anglo-Australian Decisions on a Husband's Right to Prevent
Abortion - 1989, 102/103, 68
Criminal Liability and Death from Emotional Shock due to Another's
Unlawful Act - 1990, 104/105, 47
Juvenile Offenders and the Rebuttable Presumption of doli incapax
- 1990, 106/107, 14
Bhagwati, P. N.
The Challenge to the Profession by the Judiciary - 1984, 80/81,
Pressures on and Obstacles to an Independent Judiciary - 1989, 102/103,
Bishop, Jordan
Marriage: a Sign of the Kingdom - 1975, 46/47, 12 The Question of
Torture - 2007, 159, 103
Employment Status and
Social Security Rights of Ministers of Religion in Spain - 2004,
153, 100
Boccafola, Kenneth E.
Book review
Chiesa Cattolica e Comunita Politica - 1981, 70/71, 151
Chiesa e Stato Nell'Epoca Moderna - 1981, 70/71, 151
Bogle, James
Comments on Whiston v Whiston [1995] - 1996, 130/131, 120
Bowker, Margaret
Marriage and the Role of Women in English History - 1971, 32, 76
Marriage: Ancient and Modern - 1975, 46/47, 7
Bradley, Anthony
Magna Carta and the Protection of Human Rights in Europe - 2001,
146, 5
Bradney, Anthony
Book review
International Perspectives on Education, Religion and Law, ed Charles Russo - 2015, 174, 120
Brand, D. W. R.
The Marriage Law of Scotland - 1969, 25, 178
Bray, Jason
Book review
The Nation that Forgot God ed. Alex Haydon and Sir Edward Leigh - 2016, 176, 66
The End of Law: How Law's Claims Relate to Law's Aims, by David McIlroy - 2019, 183, 198
Brett-Crowther, Michael
Book review
Social Contract Law and European Integration - 1995, 126/127, 142
Brill, Kenneth
Parents' Rights and Responsibilities. Problems in Practice: the
Local Government Concern - 1978, 56/57, 13
Brindley, L. P. K.
Obituary for Mary Philomena Theresa Smith - 1981, 68/69, 62
Brown, Brendan F.
Individual Liberty and the Common Good - the Balance - 1974, 45,
Brown, George
The Revival of Marriage: a Policy for Church and State. Part I -
1993, 116/117, 36
The Revival of Marriage: a Policy for Church and State. Part II
- 1993, 118/119, 111
Children and Divorce Reform - 1994, 122/123, 107
What About the Children? - 1996, 128/129, 18
A View from the Temple - 1996, 128/129, 35
Supporting Families - 1999, 142/143, 91
Divorce Reform - 2000, 145, 57
The Children Act 1989 - 2001, 146, 57
A Divorce Reform Bill - 2001, 147, 132
Looking back over forty years of Family Law - 2003, 150, 8
Book Review
Psychosocial Disorders in Young People - 1996, 128/129, 58
Divorce - Where Next? Edited by Michael Freeman - 1997, 132/133,
The End of Order - 1997, 134/135, 59
An End to Welfare Rights - The Rediscovery of Independence by D.
Green - 1999, 142/143, 140
The Truth about Cinderella, a Darwinian View of Parental Love, by
M. Daly and M. Wilson - 2000, 144, 62
Need for Divorce Reform - 2010, 165, 239
Brown, Ralph
Obituary for Edward Dunderdale - 2002, 148, 63
Brown, Michael
The Court and Persons Unborn - 1989, 102/103, 82
Unilateral Conditions - 1991, 108/109, 31
Mentally Incapacitated Adults and Decision-Making - 1992, 112/114,
The Patient's Consent - 1993, 116/117, 19
Case note
In re W (a minor) (1992) - 1994, 120/121, 55
Secretary of State for the Home Department ex parte Robb (1995)
- 1995, 126/127, 140
Re S [1995] - 1996, 128/129, 53
R. v Bournewood Community and Mental Health Trust ex parte Secretary
of State (1998) - 1999, 140/141, 79
In re S (Adult Patient: Sterilisation) [2000] - 2000, 145, 60
R (on the application of the ProLife Alliance) v BBC - 2003, 150,
Cooper v United Kingdom; Grieves v United Kingdom - 2004, 153, 184
Book review
"Plato Overruled, but Full Marks to Aristotle!" - 1986,
88/89, 51
Justice between Man and Man - 1986, 88/89, 51
Conduct of Civil Proceedings - 1986, 88/89, 51
A History and Theory of Informed Consent - 1988, 98/99, 87
The Americans With Disabilities Act, edited by Jane West - 1993,
116/117, 74
An Historical Introduction to Modern Civil Law by T. Glyn - 2000,
144, 65
Cooperation, Complicity and Conscience: Problems in healthcare,
science, law and public policy, edited by Helen Watt - 2006, 156,
Budziszewski, J.
Of Course Human Law Develops: Can Natural and Divine Law Develop? - 2019, 183, 134
Buckley, J. C.
Parish Councils - 1968, 18, 8
Bunbury, Stephen
Reasonable Adjustments vs Indirect Discrimination: are all protected characteristics equal under the UK Equality Act 2010? A review of religious and disability discrimination in employment cases - 2022, 188, 6
Burgess, M. J. C.
Book review
Human Rights, the Irish Constitution and the Courts - 1973, 38,
Burke, Raymond L.
Book review
Marriage in Canon Law: Text and Comments, Reflections and Questions
- 1988, 96/97, 49
Burke, William T.
We Try Harder: The Law of Ethics and Social Responsibility for Small
Business Enterprise - 1992, 114/115, 130
Burnside, Jonathan
Bash the Burglar? Reflections on the Tony Martin Case - 2001, 147,
Butler, B. C.
Permissiveness - Pros and Cons - 1971, 31, 52
Book review
The Interaction of Law and Religion - 1975, 48/49, 92
Butrym, Zofia
Book review
Social Work, Justice & Control - 1987, 94/95, 109
Calvert, Simon
EU Employment Law and Religious Organisations - 2002, 148, 4
Camillieri, J. A.
Book review
Comments on the Nuremberg Principles and Conscientious Objection
with Special Reference to War Crimes - 1971, 33, 145
Campbell, A. W.
Marrying and Unmarrying in Scots Law - 1977, 52/53, 52
Campbell, James
Book review
Christians and the State: A Catholic Perspective for the 21st Century by John Duddington - 2016, 176, 64
Campbell, Mark
Conscientious Objection in Medicine: Various Myths - 2011, 166, 28
Canamares, Santiago
Book review
The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America, by Thom Hartmann - 2021, 187, 158
Canavan, Francis
Civil Law and Society's Conscience - 1974, 45, 131
The Theory of the Danforth Case -1978, 58/59, 99
Pitfalls of Judicial Review - 1987, 92/93, 42
Case note
McGee v Attorney General and Revenue Commissioners - 1974, 45,
Book review
James Fitzjames Stephen and the Crisis of Victorian Thought - 1984,
80/81, 50
Caplen, Andrew
The Magna Carta, a One Nation Justice Policy, Access to Justice and the Role of the Church - 2015, 175, 166
Capstick, William P.
Legal Storms in Moral Climates - 1973, 39, 45
The U.K. Separation of Powers and the Coming of the Human Rights
Act 1998 - 2000, 144, 33
Case note
Young, James and Webster v United Kingdom - 1983, 78/79, 112
Book review
Allott's Juridical and Legal Systems of Africa - 1970, 26, 35
New Essays in African Law - 1970, 26, 34
Marriage Laws in Africa - 1972, 37, 137
Christian Marriage in Africa -1974, 44, 111
Television News and the Supreme Court by Slotnick and Segal - 1998,
138/139, 135
Carey, Charles
Book review
Tudor on Charities - 1969, 22, 29
The Tax Advantages of Charitable Status - 1974, 43, 77
Carneiro, Pedro Erik
Trying to Catch the Deluge: Shari'ah, Terrorism and Religious Freedom - 2014, 173, 173
Cavalier, George
For a European Range of Clearly Defined Usury Rates - 2014, 172, 42
Celador, Oscar
Book review
Libertad religiosa, neutralidad del Estado y educación, una perspectiva Europea y Latinoamericana, by Javier Martínez-Torrón & Santiago Cañamares Arribas - 2020, 184, 77
Labour Rights and the Catholic Church - The International Labour Organisation, the Holy See and Catholic Social Teaching, by Paul Beckett - 2021, 187, 153
Chaplin, Jonathan
The Place of Religious Arguments for Law Reform in a Secular State - 2009, 162, 18
Book review
Religion in Public Spaces: A European Perspective, edited by Silvio Ferrari and Sabrina Pastorelli - 2013, 170, 84
Cianitto, Cristiana
Sociology, Law and Religion in Italy and Spain - 2004, 152, 44
Maintenance of Clergy in the Italian Catholic Church - 2005, 155,
137 Book review
Religious Liberty and Human Rights ed. Mark Hill - 2005, 154, 76
Cockshutt, Hermon J. B.
Book review
The Political Economy of Tax Avoidance - 1969, 23, 77
Codling, Amy R.
A Critical
Legal Pluralist Analysis of R (On the Application of Begum) v Headteacher
and Governors of Denbigh High School - 2012, 169, 224
Coghlan, Mary
Parents' Rights and Responsibilities. Problems in Practice: a Children's
Psychiatrist's Concern - 1978, 56/57, 20
Cole, Anthony P.
Research into Human Embryos: Possible Responses for the Christian
Lawyer and the Australian Experience - 1988, 98/99, 75
Legal and Ethical Implications of the RU486 Abortion Pill - 1991,
110/111, 62
Mentally Incapacitated Adults and Decision-Making - 1992, 112/114,
I am Thirsty - 1997, 134/135, 29
Resuscitating Babies - 2004, 153, 152
Catholic Views on the Tony Bland Case and Siamese Twin Separation
Case - 2002, 148, 65
Colyer, John
Book review
On the Ethics of Lawyers - 1979, 62/63, 117
Coneys, Stephen
Case note
In re B. (a Minor) - 1987, 94/95, 123
Conneely, Michael
Sartre and Law - 1990, 106/107, 23
The Irish X Case. The Rights of the Mother and the Unborn - 1992,
112/114, 10
Is There a Need for a Dialectic of Nature? - 1994, 122/123, 121
Book Review
The Silence of Constitutions by M. Foley - 1992, 112/113, 77
Church, State, Morality and Law by Patrick Hannon - 1993, 116/117,
Civil Liberties, Legal Principles of Individual Freedoms, by E.
Shorts and C. de Than - 2000, 144, 62
Learning European Law by T. Kennedy - 2000, 144, 64
Trouble with the Law edited by Clare and Ni Chearbhaill - 2008, 160, 46
The Inheritance of Rome: A History of Europe from 400 to 1000 by Chris Wickham - 2010, 165, 207
Do we still need St. Paul? by K. O'Mahony - 2014, 172, 66
Connell, D. P. O.
The Law of Nature and the Law of Nations: Where does the Church
Stand To-day? - 1975, 48/49, 48
Connolly, Michael
Indirect Discrimination: England's Preference for Absolute Barriers
May Disadvantage Claimants - 1995, 126/127, 83
Case note
Mutemasango v Staffline Recruitment Ltd (1996) - 1998, 136/137,
Aquinas on the Unfolding of Law - 2019, 183, 118
The Tasks of Human Lawgivers: The Torah as Exemplar - 2019, 183, 155
Book Review
Law and Religion (The International
Library of essays in law and society) ed. Gad Barzilai - 2007, 159,
Coonan, J. L.
Book review
A Report on Marriage - 1974, 44, 117
Reflections on a Report - 1974, 44, 117
Corcoran, John
Book review
The Institutional Character of a Judge - 1973, 40, 112
From Principles to Pragmatism: Changes in the Function of the Judicial
Process and the Law - 1979, 62/63, 100
Corden, Richard
Case note
Rai & ors v The Charity Commission for England and Wales - 2012, 169, 287
Cortina, Andres-Corsino
Employment Status and Social Security Rights of Ministers
of Religion in Spain - 2004, 153, 100
Catholic Adoption Agencies and 'Gay Adopters' - 2008, 161,
Catholic Education - 2009, 163,
Why Have a Tribunal of Second Instance? - 2010, 165,
Conscience and Concordat: When Two Worlds Collide? - 2016, 177, 146
Court, John H.
Porn Again: Cause and Defect - 1995, 126/127, 91
Coventry, John
Guardian of Morals? - 1967, 17, 123
Christian Conscience - 1974, 45, 138
The Theology of Religious Freedom - 1984, 82/83, 100
Cowley, Catherine
Book review
The Ethics of Policing - 1996, 130/131, 126
Cowper, Francis
Book review
A Price too High: an Autobiography - 1990, 104/105, 92
Cox, Noel
The Legal Position of the Anglican Church in New Zealand and Australia: Quasi-Establishment and Consensual Compact - 2012, 168, 62
Cranmer, Frank
'National' Churches, Territoriality and Mission - 2002, 149, 157
Church Governance and Separation of Powers - 2004, 153, 128
Government and Parliamentary News: a round up for 2007 - 2007, 159,
The Archbishop and Sharia - 2008, 160, 4
A Court of Law, not of Morals? - 2008, 160, 13
Government and Parliamentary News: a round up for 2008 - 2008, 161,
Relationships: An Overview - 2009, 162, 4
Religion, Human
Rights and the Council of Europe: a note - 2009, 162, 36
Government and Parliamentary News: a round up for 2008/9 - 2009, 163,
Who is a Jew?
Jewish faith schools and the Race Relations Act 1976 - 2010, 164,
Government and Parliamentary News: a round up for 2009/10 - 2010,
165, 194
Abortion: an
Irishwomen's Right to Choose? - 2011, 166, 5
and Vicarious Liability for Sexual Abuse - 2011, 167, 20
Government and Parliamentary News: a round up for 2010/11 - 2011,
167, 80
Government and Parliamentary News: a round up for 2011/12 - 2012,
168, 94
Church Law
and the Nuttiness Coefficient - 2012, 169, 157
Religion in the Workplace - or Maybe Not? A Note on Chaplin, Eweida,
Ladele and McFarlane - 2013, 170, 67
Government and Parliamentary News: a round up for 2012/13 - 2013,
170, 96
Wales and the
Law of Marriage: 'Vestiges of Establishment' Revisited - 2015,
174, 96
The Churches'
Funerals Group and some current issues in burial law and practice
- 2015, 175, 228
Marriage law
reform in England and Wales: a note - 2016, 176, 39
How the Reformation
Shaped Ecclesiastical and Secular Law in Great Britain - 2017,
178, 37
Accommodation for Religion in Employment and Provision of Services
- 2017, 179, 187
Covid 19, Good
Friday 2021 and the Metropolitan Police - 2021, 186, 4
Covid 19 and
Religion in the United Kingdom -2021, 187, 96
"Why is it
so much Agony to Remove a Memorial to Slavery?": the Rustat Judgment
- 2022, 188, 21
Book review
The Crown Rights of the Redeemer: The Spiritual Freedom of the Church
of Scotland by Marjory A. MacLean - 2010, 164, 87
The Protections for Religious Rights: Law and Practice by Sir James
Dingemans, C. Yengistu, T. Cross and H. Masood - 2014, 172, 63
Democracy, Law and Religious Pluralism in Europe eds Requejo and Ungureanu
- 2015, 174, 109
Church and State in Scotland: Developing Law, by Francis Lyall - 2016,
177, 200
Religion and Marriage Law: The Need for Reform, by Russell Sandberg
- 2022, 188, 54
Beyond Establishment: resetting Church-State relations in England,
by Jonathan Chaplin - 2022, 189, 175
Advanced Introduction to Law and Religion, by Frank S. Ravitch - 2023, 190, 79
Case commentaries
When Secular and Religious Courts Collide: a Comment on Ulman,
Moher and Ai - 2019, 183, 219
Case note
Church of Scientology Moscow v Russia - 2007, 158, 77
Ivanova v Bulgaria - 2007, 158, 78
True Orthodox Church in Moldova and others v Moldova - 2007, 158,
Tysi_c v Poland - 2007, 158, 81
Reaney v Hereford Diocesan Board of Finance - 2007, 159, 153
Baczkowski and others v Poland - 2007, 159, 156
Barankevich v Russia - 2007, 159, 158
Folgerø and others v Norway - 2007, 159, 159
Svyato-mykhaylivska Parafiya v Ukraine - 2007, 159, 160
Members of the Gldani Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and others
v Georgia - 2007, 159, 163
EB v France - 2008, 160, 50
El Majjaoui and Stichting Touba Moskee v The Netherlands - 2008, 160,
Glas Nadezhda EOOD and Elenkov v Bulgaria - 2008, 160, 52
Hasan and Eylem Zengin v Turkey - 2008, 160, 53
Ismailova v Russia - 2008, 160, 55
Padgett v Serota & anor - 2008, 160, 66
Admission arrangements of JFS, Brent - 2008, 160, 69
Admission arrangements of King David Voluntary Aided Primary school,
Liverpool - 2008, 160, 70
E v Governing body of JFS & Anor - 2008, 161, 129
Gallagher (Valuation Officer) v Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints - 2008, 161, 130
Hender & Sheridan v Prospects for People with Learning Disabilities
- 2008, 161, 132
KC & Anor v City of Westminster Social & Community Services Dept &
Anor - 2008, 161, 135
Ladele v London Borough of Islington - 2008, 161, 137
Alexandridis v Greece - 2008, 161, 143
Blumberg v Germany - 2008, 161, 144
Borisov & ors v Bulgaria - 2008, 161, 145
Burden v United Kingdom - 2008, 161, 147
Coleman v Attridge Law & Anor - 2008, 161, 148
El Morsli v France - 2008, 161, 151
Kavakci v Turkey - 2008, 161, 153
Religionsgemeinschaft der Zeugen Jehovas & ors v Austria - 2008, 161,
Admission arrangements of Al-Hijrah Islamic Voluntary Aided Secondary
School, Birmingham - 2008, 161, 156
Admission arrangements of Ranelagh Church of England Voluntary Aided
Secondary School, Bracknell Forest - 2008, 161, 157
Coleman v Attridge Law & anor - 2009, 162, 85
Helow v Secretary of State for the Home Department & anor - 2009,
162, 89
L. v Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority & anor - 2009, 162,
Purdy, R (on the application of) v Director of Public Prosecutions
& ors - 2009, 162, 94
Age UK, R (on the application of) v Attorney General - 2009,
163, 175
R (incorporated trustees of the National Council on Ageing (Age Concern
England)) v Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory
Reform- [2009]
ECJ Case C-388/07 (5 March 2009) - 2009, 163, 175
Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds) v Charity Commission for England
and Wales - 2009,
163, 176
Dogru v France; Kervanci v France - 2009, 163, 178
Aktas v France; Bayrak v France; Gamaleddyn v France; Ghazal v France;
Jasvir Singh v France; Ranjit Singh v France - 2009, 163, 178
E (a child), re - 2009, 163, 180
E, R (on the application of) v JFS governing body & anor - 2009,
163, 180
Gütl v Austria; Lang v Austria; Löffelmann v Austria - 2009,
163, 184
Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (Metropolitan Inokentiy)
& ors v Bulgaria - 2009,
163, 185
Hudson v Leigh - 2009,
163, 184
Leela Förderkreis e v & ors v Germany - 2009, 163, 188
Mann Singh v France - 2009, 163, 188
Masaev v Moldova - 2009,
163, 189
McConkey & anor v the Simon Community - 2009,
163, 189
Mirolubovs & ors v Latvia - 2009,
163, 190
Nolan & K v Russia - 2009,
163, 193
Purdy, r (on the application of) v Director of Public Prosecutions
- 2009,
163, 194
Sfântul Vasile Polona Greek Catholic Parish v Romania - 2009,
163, 198
Smith & anor v Morrison & ors - 2009,
163, 198
Verein der Freunde der Christengemeinschaft & ors v Austria - 2009,
163, 200
Ahmet Arslan & ors v Turkey - 2010,
164, 92
Appel-Irrgang & ors v Germany - 2010, 164, 92
Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds) v Charity Commision for England &
Wales & anor - 2010,
164, 93
Dean v Burne & ors - 2010, 164, 95
E (R, on the application of) v Governing Body of JFS & ors - 2010,
164, 95
EBR Attridge Law LLP & anor v Coleman - 2010, 164, 96
Gnostic Centre, re - 2010, 164, 99
Grainger plc v Nicholson - 2010, 164, 100
Lautsi v Italy - 2010, 164, 105
Masih v Awaz FM - 2010, 164, 108
Sinan Isik v Turkey - 2010,
164, 109
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children, re judicial review
- 2010, 164, 109
X v Mid Sussex Citizens Advice Bureau & anor - 2010, 164, 111
Bozcaada Kimisis Teodoku Rum Ortodoks Kilisesi Vakfi v Turkey (no
2) - 2010, 165, 214
Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds) - 2010,
165, 214
Chaplin v Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital NHS Trust - 2010,
165, 216
Dimitras & ors v Greece - 2010,
165, 216
Ebury (VO) v Church Council of the Central Methodist Church - 2010,
165, 217
Fener Rum Patrikligi (Ecumenical Patriarchate) v Turkey - 2010,
165, 219
Gineitiene v Lithuania - 2010,
165, 219
Grzelak v Poland - 2010,
165, 220
Jehovah's Witnesses of Moscow v Russia - 2010,
165, 222
Kozak v Poland - 2010,
165, 226
Macdonald v Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland & Macdonald, re Application
for Judicial Review - 2010,
165, 227
Mcfarlane v Relate Avon Ltd - 2010,
165, 229
Muñoz Díaz v Spain - 2010, 165, 232
Sâmbata Bihor Greek Catholic Parish v Romania - 2010,
165, 232
Schalk and Kopf v Austria - 2010,
165, 233
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Sister Is - 2010, 165,
Spampinato v Italy - 2010,
165, 236
White & ors v Williams & ors - 2010,
165, 237
A, B & C v Ireland - 2011,
166, 76
Alekseyev v Russia - 2011,
166, 77
Boychev & ors v Bulgaria - 2011,
166, 78
Cevahirli v Turkey - 2011,
166, 78
Chrysostomos v Turkey - 2011,
166, 79
Hadep & Demir v Turkey - 2011,
166, 80
Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (Metropolitan Inokentiy)
& ors v Bulgaria - 2011,
166, 82
Jakóbski v Poland - 2011,
166, 83
Lautsi v Italy - 2011,
166, 84
Le Pen v France - 2011,
166, 86
Milanoviç v Serbia - 2011,
166, 86
Moore v President of the Methodist Conference - 2011,
166, 87
Mouvement Raëlien Suisse v Switzerland - 2011, 166, 87
Obst v Germany: Schüth v Germany - 2011,
166, 88
O'Donoghue & ors v United Kingdom - 2011,
166, 90
Official Solicitor to the Senior Courts v Yemoh & ors - 2011,
166, 90
PF & EF v United Kingdom - 2011,
166, 91
R (Aguilar Quila) v Secretary of State for the Home Department - 2011,
166, 92
Raggett v Society of Jesus Trust - 2011,
166, 94
Re the Druid Network - 2011,
166, 95
Savez Crkava Rijec Zivota & ors v Croatia 7798/08 - 2011,
166, 96
Scott v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions - 2011,
166, 98
Serife Yigit v Turkey - 2011,
166, 98
Sh & ors v Austria - 2011,
166, 100
Shergill v Purewal & anor - 2011, 166, 101
Siebenhaar v Germany - 2011,
166, 101
Various Claimants v Catholic Child Welfare Society & ors - 2011,
166, 102
Wasmuth v Germany - 2011,
166, 103
X v Mid Sussex Citizens Advice Bureau & ors - 2011, 166, 103
ZH (Tanzania) v Secretary of State for the Home Department - 2011,
166, 104
Association Les Témoins De Jéhovah v France - 2011,
167, 99
Bayatyan v Armenia - 2011,
167, 101
Catholic Care v Charity Commission for E & W - 2011,
167, 103
Cherfi v G4S Security Services Ltd - 2011,
167, 104
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints v UK - 2011,
167, 106
G v St Gregory's Catholic Science College - 2011,
167, 107
Kirk Session of Sandown Free Presbyterian Church, Re Judicial Review
- 2011,
167, 110
Lillian Ladele and Gary McFarlane v UK - 2011,
167, 111
M and C v Romania - 2011,
167, 112
MRA v NRK - 2011,
167, 114
Nadia Eweida and Shirley Chaplin v United Kingdom - 2011,
167, 115
Ouardiri and Ligue Des Musulmans De Suisse & ors v Switzerland - 2011,
167, 116
Presbyterian Church in Ireland, Re Trusts - 2011,
167, 116
Quila & anor, R (on the application of) v S of S for the Home Department
[2011]: Bibi & anor, R (on the application of) v S of S for the Home
Department - 2011,
167, 117
Re St Andrew, Alwalton - 2011,
167, 118
RR v Poland - 2011,
167, 119
Sholl v PCC of St Michael & All Angels - 2011,
167, 120
Smith & ors v Morrison & ors - 2011,
167, 121
White & ors v Williams & ors - 2011,
167, 123
Willi, Anna & David Dojan & ors v Germany - 2011,
167, 124
A & B by C (their mother & next friend) v A Health & Social Services
Trust - 2012,
168, 116
Adewole v Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS
Trust - 2012,
168, 116
Bukharatyan v Armenia: Tsaturyan v Armenia - 2012,
168, 117
Bull & Bull v Hall & Preddy - 2012,
168, 117
Demirtas v Turkey - 2012, 168, 119
Dimitras & ors v Greece - 2012, 168, 119
Doogan & anor, re judicial review - 2012,
168, 120
El Gamal v Al Maktoum - 2012,
168, 121
Gas and Dubois v France - 2012,
168, 123
H v S - 2012,
168, 125
JGE v The English Province of Our Lady of Charity & anor - 2012,
168, 125
Kovalkovs (Gatis) v Latvia - 2012,
168, 126
Lyons v R - 2012,
168, 127
Martín (Manzanas) v Spain - 2012,
168, 129
Masih v Awaz FM - 2012,
168, 130
National Secular Society & anor, R (on the application of) v Bideford
Town Council - 2012,
168, 132
Nicholson v Ministry of Justice & ors - 2012,
168, 134
President of the Methodist Conference v Preston (formerly Moore) -
168, 135
Re N (A Child: Religion: Jehovah’s Witness) - 2011,
168, 137
Rudewicz, R (On the application of) v Secretary of state for Justice
& ors - 2012,
168, 139
Sessa (Francesco) v Italy - 2012,
168, 140
Sh & ors v Austria - 2011,
168, 141
Sharpe v Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance & anor - 2012,
168, 142
Sindicatul Pastorul cel Bun v Romania - 2012,
168, 144
Singh v Management Committee of the Bristol Sikh Temple & ors - 2012,
168, 145
Thompson v Luke Delaney George Stobbart Ltd - 2011,
168, 148
X and Y (children), Re - 2012, 168, 150
Association Les Témoins De Jéhovah v France - 2012,
169, 262
C (A Child), Re - 2012,
169, 262
Dhinsa v Serco & Anor - 2012,
169, 264
Fernández Martínez v Spain - 2012,
169, 269
Fusu Arcadie & Ors. v Moldova - 2012,
169, 270
Genderdoc-M v Moldova - 2012,
169, 271
Gubenko v Latvia [information note] - 2012, 169, 272
Hizb Ut-Tahrir & ors. v Germany - [2012],
169, 272
Iorgoiu v Romania - 2012,
169, 274
Lennon v Department for Regional Development - 2012,
169, 276
London Christian Radio & anor, R (on the application of) v Radio Advertising
Clearance Centre & anor - 2012,
169, 279
MA v JA - 2012,
169, 280
Mouvement Raëlien Suisse v Switzerland - 2012,
169, 283
NHS trust v Baby X and ors - 2012,
169, 284
R. (Nicklinson) v Ministry of Justice & ors: R (AM) v DPP & ors -
169, 285
Rai & ors v The Charity Commission for England and Wales - 2012,
169, 287
RT (Zimbabwe) & ors v Secretary of State for the Home Department -
169, 288
Savda v Turkey: Tarhan v Turkey - 2012,
169, 289
Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij v Netherlands - [2012],
169, 292
XCC v AA & anor - 2012,
169, 294
Al-Saffar v Al-Saffar - 2013,
170, 107
Austrianu v Romania - 2013,
170, 108
Black & Morgan v Wilkinson - 2013,
170, 109
British Humanist Association & anor v London Borough of Richmond upon
Thames & ors - 2013,
170, 110
Catholic Archdiocese of Alba Iulia v Romania - 2013,
170, 111
Catholic Care (Diocese of Leeds) v Charity Commission for England
and Wales - 2013,
170, 112
Dimitras & ors v Greece - 2013,
170, 116
Eweida & ors v United Kingdom - 2013,
170, 118
G (Children), Re - 2013,
170, 118
G v P - 2013,
170, 120
H v Finland - 2013,
170, 122
Heafield v Times Newspaper Ltd - 2013,
170, 124
Henny v Lifetimes Trading Ltd t/a Puddle-Ducks Nursery - 2013, 170,
Jehovas Zeugen in Osterreich v Austria - 2013,
170, 126
Juma Mosque Congregation & ors v Azerbaijan - 2013,
170, 128
KS v TS - 2013,
170, 129
Kuchl v Austria, Rothe v Austria and Verlagsgruppe News GMBH & Bobi
v Austria - 2013, 170, 130
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Re Judicial Review and Family
Planning Association of Northern Ireland, re Judicial Review - 2013,
170, 133
President of the Methodist Conference v Preston - 2013, 170, 135
P and S v Poland - 2013,
170, 137
R. (Hodkin) & anor v Register General of Births, Deaths and Marriages
- 2013,
170, 140
St Margaret's Children and Family Care Society - 2013,
170, 142
Shergill v Khaira & ors - 2013,
170, 143
Vojnity v Hungary - 2013,
170, 145
X v Mid Sussex Citizens Advice Bureau & anor - 2013,
170, 147
X and ors v Austria - 2013,
170, 148
Arya v London Borough of Waltham Forest - 2013,
171, 104
Avilkina & ors v Russia - 2013,
171, 104
Black & anor v Wilkinson - 2013,
171, 106
D (R), R v - 2013,
171, 107
Dowsett, R (o a o) v Secretary of State for Justice - 2013,
171, 108
Drew v Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust - 2013,
171, 109
Fraser v University & College Union - 2013,
171, 111
Gross v Switzerland - 2013,
171, 111
Hasan v Redcoat Community Centre - 2013,
171, 113
Haye v General Teaching Council for England - 2013,
171, 114
ME v France - 2013,
171, 115
Nichlinson, R (oao) v A Primary Care Trust - 2013,
171, 116
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Re Judicial Review - 2013,
171, 118
Raabe, R (o a o) v Sectretary of State for the Home Department - 2013,
171, 119
S, Re - 2013,
171, 121
Sindicatul Pastorul Cel Bun v Romania - 2013,
171, 122
Slinger v Department for Work and Pensions - 2013,
171, 123
SS (Malaysia) v Secretary of State for the Home Department - 2013,
171, 124
Tuncer Gunes v Turkey - 2013,
171, 125
A Local Authority v SY - 2014,
172, 72
AAN (Veil) Afghanistan - 2014,
172, 73
ASBL Church of Scientology v Belgium - 2014,
172, 74
Birmingham Children's NHS Trust v B & C - 2014,
172, 75
Blackburn & anor v Revenue & Customs - 2014,
172, 76
Bogdan Voda Greek-Catholic Parish v Romania - 2014,
172, 78
Bull & anor v Hall & anor - 2014,
172, 79
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints v United Kingdom - 2014,
172, 82
Grace v Places for Children (Religion or Belief Discrimination) -
172, 85
Hodkin & anor, R (o a o) v Registrar General of Births, Deaths and
Marriages - 2014,
172, 86
Holland v Angel Supermarket Lts & anor - 2014,
172, 88
London Christian Radio Ltd & anor, R (on the application of) v Radio
Advertising Clearance Centre - 2014,
172, 90
Marwaha & ors v Singh & ors - 2014,
172, 92
MBA v London Borough of Merton - 2014,
172, 94
Naeem v Secretary of State for Justice (Race Discrimination: Indirect)
- 2014,
172, 97
QH (Christians - Risk) China CG - 2014,
172, 98
St. Margaret's Children and Family Care Society v Ocsr. - 2014,
172, 99
Sharpe v Worcester Diocesan Board of Finance Ltd & anor - 2014,
172, 100
Thomas Phillips v Thomas Monson - 2014,
172, 102
United Grand Lodge of England v Revenue & Customs - 2014,
172, 103
Vartic v Romania (No. 2) - 2014,
172, 104
Warren v Care Fertility (Northampton) Ltd & anor - 2014,
172, 105
Florin Andrei v Romania - 2014,
173, 219
Biblical Centre of the Chuvash Republic v Russia - 2014,
173, 220
Buldu & ors v Turkey - 2014,
173, 221
Chandra v Arya Samaj Vedic Mission - 2014,
173, 223
Hamalainen v Finland - 2014,
173, 224
J and S (Children), Re - 2014,
173, 225
Krupko & Ors v Russia - 2014,
173, 227
Magyar Kereszteny Mennonita Egyhaz & Ors v Hungary - 2014,
173, 228
Northumberland & Durham Property Trust Ltd v Ouaha - 2014,
173, 230
P, RE (Capacity to Tithe Inheritance)- 2014,
173, 231
R (Nicklinson & anor) v Ministry of Justice; R (AM) v Director of
Public Prosecutions - 2014,
173, 232
R (Plantagenet Alliance Ltd) v Secretary of State for Justice - 2014,
173, 234
S.A.S. v France - 2014,
173, 235
Shergill & ors v Khaira & ors - 2014,
173, 237
Singh v Singh & anor - 2014,
173, 239
W.H. v Sweden - 2014,
173, 240
Avram v Romania - 2015,
174, 126
B and G (Children) (No 2) - 2015,
174, 127
Begheluri & ors v Georgia - 2015,
174, 128
Chandhok & anor v Tirkey - 2015,
174, 129
Chbihi Loudoudi & ors v Belgium - 2015,
174, 131
Church of Scientology of St Petersburg & ors v Russia - 2015,
174, 132
Cumhuriyetçi Egitim Ve Kültür Merkezi Vakfi v Turkey
- 2015,
174, 133
Dimitras & Gilbert v Greece - 2015,
174, 135
Dimitrova v Greece - 2015,
174, 136
Exmoor Coast Boat Cruises Ltd v Revenue & Customs - 2015,
174, 138
GMB Union v Henderson (Unfair Dismissal) - 2015,
174, 139
General Conference of the New Church v Bristol City Council (Localism
Act 2011) - 2015,
174, 140
Güler and Ugur v Turkey - 2015,
174, 141
Gough v United Kingdom - 2015,
174, 142
Greater Glasgow Health Board v Doogan & anor - 2015,
174, 143
Gross v Switzerland - 2015,
174, 145
Halawi v WDFG UK Ltd (t/a World Duty Free) - 2015,
174, 147
In the Petition of the Christian Institute & ors for Judicial Review
of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 - 2015,
174, 148
Islam-Ittihad Association & ors v Azerbaijan - 2015,
174, 149
Karaahmed v Bulgaria - 2015,
174, 151
Potomska and Potomski v Poland - 2015,
174, 152
Sociedad Anónima Del Ucieza v Spain - 2015,
174, 153
Think Schuhwerk v Ohim - Müller (Voodoo) - 2015,
174, 155
Yalçin & ors v Turkey - 2015,
174, 156
A v Watchtower Bible and Tract Society & ors - 2015, 175, 266
Begum v Pedagogy Auras UK ltd - 2015, 175, 267
Erlam & ORS v Rahman & anor - 2015,
175, 270
Fhima v Travel Jigsaw ltd - 2015, 175, 271
Greek-Catholic Parish of Lupeni & ors v Romania - 2015, 175, 271
Lambert & ors v France - 2015, 175, 273
Maistry v British Broadcasting Corporation - 2015, 175, 277
N (A Child: Interim Care Order: Interim Removal) - 2015, 175, 281
Oliari & ors v Italy - 2015, 175, 282
Parrillo v Italy - 2015, 175, 284
R. (A (A Child) & anor) v Secretary of State for Health - 2015, 175,
R. (AM) v The General Medical Council - 2015, 175, 286
R. (Diocese of Menevia & ors) v City and County of Swansea Council
- 2015, 175, 288
R. (Goldstein) v HM Coroner for Inner London District Greater London
- 2015, 175, 290
Rotsztein v HM Senior Coroner for Inner London - 2015, 175, 290
Ross (For Judicial Review) - 2015, 175, 293
Rubins v Latvia - 2015, 175, 294
Sanatkar v Romania - 2015, 175, 296
Sharpe v Bishop of Worcester - 2015, 175, 297
Tirkey v Chandhok & anor - 2015, 175, 298
Wasteney v East London NHS Foundation Trust - 2015, 175, 299
WH v Sweden (striking out) - 2015, 175, 301
Cox v Ministry of Justice: Mohamud v Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc
- 2016, 176, 82
D.P.P. v James McConnell - 2016, 176, 83
Ebrahimian v France - 2016, 176, 84
FG v Sweden - 2016, 176, 85
Ganga v Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance & anor - 2016, 176, 86
Gareddu v London Underground Ltd - 2016, 176, 87
Harvey (T/A Sun Ice Air Conditioning) v Revenue & Customs - 2016,
176, 89
Hasmonean High School - 2016, 176, 90
Károly Nagy v Hungary - 2016, 176, 91
L and B (Children) - 2016, 176, 93
M'Bala M'Bala v France - 2016, 176, 94
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission, Re Judicial Review - 2016,
176, 95
Pemberton v Inwood - 2016, 176, 96
R. (Fox & ors) v Secretary of State for Education - 2016, 176, 97
Putney Vale Cemetery, Re - 2016, 176, 99
Ross v Lord Advocate - 2016, 176, 101
Sisesti Greek-Catholic Parish v Romania - 2016, 176, 102
Sodan v Turkey - 2016, 176, 103
Storey v GCHQ - 2016, 176, 105
Süveges v Hungary - 2016, 176, 106
Wasteney v East London NHS Foundation Trust - 2016, 176, 107
Wye Valley NHS Trust v B - 2016, 176, 109
Enver Aydemir v Turkey - 2016, 177, 209
C (Children) - 2016, 177, 210
Chapin and Charpentier v France - 2016, 177, 210
Christian Institute v Lord Advocate - 2016, 177, 212
Izzetin Dogan & ors v Turkey - 2016, 177, 213
F and S v TH - 2016, 177, 215
Hamat (Article 9 - freedom of religion: Afghanistan) - 2016, 177,
Harron v Dorset Police - 2016, 177, 216
Harvey (T/A Sun Ice Air Conditioning) v Revenue & Customs - 2016,
177, 217
Jehovah's Witnesses Association and ors v Turkey - 2016, 177, 218
Lee v McArthur & ors - 2016, 177, 219
Papavasilakis v Greece - 2016, 177, 221
Pendleton v Derbyshire County Council & anor - 2016, 177, 222
Taddeucci and McCall v Italy - 2016, 177, 225
TH v Chapter of Worcester Cathedral & anor - 2016, 177, 225
Travas v Croatia - 2016, 177, 227
A v Cornwall Council - 2017, 178, 116
Achbita & anor; Bougnaoui and Addh - 2017, 178, 118
NHS Trust v T - 2017, 178, 123
Appeal of Keith Francis Slater - 2017, 178, 124
Berghea and Turan v Romania - 2017, 178, 126
Celestial Church of Christ, Edward Street Parish (a Charity) v Lawson
- 2017, 178, 127
Essop & ors v Home Office (UK Border Agency); Naeem v Secretary of
State for Justice - 2017, 178, 129
Gareddu v London Underground Ltd - 2017, 178, 131
Genov v Bulgaria - 2017, 178, 133
Interim Executive Board of X School v Chief Inspector of Education,
Children's Services and Skills - 2017, 178, 134
J v B (Ultra-Orthodox Judaism: Transgender) - 2017, 178, 135
Kanalas v Romania - 2017, 178, 137
Klein and ors v Germany - 2017, 178, 138
Lupeni Greek-Catholic Parish & ors v Romania - 2017, 178, 139
Magyarorszagi Evangeliumi Testverkozosseg v Hungary - 2017, 178, 141
Pemberton v Inwood (Sex Discrimination: Marital Status) - 2017, 178,
R. (Charazi) v Adath Yisroel Burial Society - 2017, 178, 144
R. (Conway) v Secretary of State for Justice - 2017, 178, 145
Fairmile Cemetery Lower Assendon, Re - 2017, 178, 146
JS (Disposal of Body), Re - 2017, 178, 147
The Temple of the Jedi Order - 2017, 178, 150
Adyan and others v Armenia - 2017, 179, 220
Attorney General for NI & anor v NI Human Rights Commission - 2017,
179, 221
Belcacemi and Oussar v Belgium; Dakir v Belgium - 2017, 179, 223
Beneficent Spiritist Center Uniao Do Vegetal v Secretary of State
for the Home Department - 2017, 179, 225
Butt v Secretary of State for the Home Department - 2017, 179, 226
Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills v The
Interim Executive Board of Al-Hijrah School - 2017, 179, 228
Close & ors, Re Judicial Review - 2017, 179, 229
Congregacion de Escuelas Pias Provincia Betania - 2017, 179, 230
Cumhuriyetçi Egitim Ve Kültür Merkezi Vakfi v Turkey
- 2017, 179, 232
HAH v SAA & ors - 2017, 179, 233
Houston v Swissport GB Ltd & Colin Morrow - 2017, 179, 234
IH (Observance of Muslim Practice) - 2017, 179, 235
JR20 v Facebook Ireland Ltd - 2017, 179, 236
Károly Nagy v Hungary - 2017, 179, 237
Metodiev & ors v Bulgaria: National Turkish Union v Bulgaria - 2017,
179, 238
Miss M Keens-Betts v The Anthony Gregg Partnership Ltd - 2017, 179,
Mr R Page v NHS Trust Development Authority - 2017, 179, 242
Mrs S Kuteh v Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust - 2017, 179, 243
Mr S T Uncles v NHS Commissioning Board and others - 2017, 179, 245
Orastie Romanian Greek Catholic Archpriesthood v Romania - 2017, 179,
R. v Overd and Stockwell - 2017, 179, 246
R. (A and B) v Secretary of State for Health - 2017, 179, 247
R. (Conway) v Secretary of State for Justice - 2017, 179, 249
Trayhorn v Secretary of State for Justice (Religion or Belief Discrimination)
- 2017, 179, 250
AR and LR v Switzerland - 2018, 180, 115
Christian Baptist Church in Wroclaw v Poland - 2018, 180, 116
Hamidovic v Bosnia and Herzegovina - 2018, 180, 118
M (Children), Re - 2018, 180, 120
Miss S. Bi v E-ACT - 2018, 180, 121
Miss S. Powell v Marr Corporation Ltd - 2018, 180, 123
Ms Z. De Groen v Gan Menachem Hendon Ltd - 2018, 180, 124
Orlandi and Others v Italy - 2018, 180, 126
Orthodox Ohrid Archdiocese (Greek-Orthodox Ohrid Archdiocese of the
Pec Patriarchy) v The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - 2018,
180, 127
Pemberton v Inwood, Acting Bishop of Southwell and Nottingham - 2018,
180, 128
R. v Daniel Woodhouse and Sam Walton - 2018, 180, 130
R. (Adath Yisroel Burial Society & Anor) v HM Senior Coroner for Inner
North London - 2018, 180, 131
R. (Ngole) v University of Sheffield - 2018, 180, 134
Ratzenböck and Seydl v Austria - 2018, 180, 137
X, Re - 2018, 180, 139
Rev J. Gould v Trustees of St John's Downshire Hill - 2018, 180, 140
Sahyouni v Mamisch - 2018, 180, 141
Scott v Stevenson & Reid Ltd - 2018, 180, 143
Smyth, Re Judicial Review - 2018, 180, 145
Tlapak and others v Germany; and Wetjen and others v Germany - 2018,
180, 146
X (A Child: Foreign Surrogacy) - 2018, 180, 148
Akhter v Khan - 2018, 181, 229
An NHS Trust & ors v Y & anor - 2018, 181, 232
ES v Austria - 2018, 181, 234
Gübahar Özer and Yusuf Özer v Turkey - 2018, 181, 235
Human Rights Commission for Judicial Review (Northern Ireland: Abortion)
- 2018, 181, 237
Ibragim Ibragimov and others v Russia - 2018, 181, 239
Lee v Ashers Baking Co ltd & anor - 2018, 181, 240
Liga van Moskeeën en Islamitische Organisaties Provincie Antwerpen
Vzw and Others - 2018, 181, 242
McLaughlin, Re Judicial Review - 2018, 181, 244
Ms F Gabe v The United Reformed Church - 2018, 181, 245
Murray v Devenish & ors (Sons of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) - 2018,
181, 247
Owens v Owens - 2018, 181, 247
R. (Conway) v Secretary of State for Justice & ors - 2018, 181, 249
R. (Jewish Rights Watch, t/a Jewish Human Rights Watch) v Leicester
City Council - 2018, 181, 250
Smyth, Re Judicial Review - 2018, 181, 252
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children SPUC Pro-life Scotland
Limited v Scottish Ministers, for Judicial Review - 2018, 181, 254
R. (Steinfeld and Keidan) v Secretary of State for International Development
- 2018, 181, 255
TF and MA, appeals by, against the Secretary of State for the Home
Department - 2018, 181, 257
Tietosuojavaltuutettu v Jehovan Todistajat-Uskonnollinen Yhdyskunta
- 2018, 181, 259
Vera Egenberger v Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung
EV - 2018, 181, 260
Altinkaynak and others v Turkey - 2019, 182, 81
ARB v IVF Hammersmith & anor - 2019, 182, 82
Cresco Investigation Gmbh v Achatzi - 2019, 182, 83
Cumhuriyetçi Egitim ve Kültür Merkezi Vakfi v Turkey
- 2019, 182, 84
Gan Menachem Hendon Ltd v De Groen - 2019, 182, 85
Kuteh v Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust - 2019, 182, 87
Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v M & anor - 2019,
182, 88
Monachos Eirinaios v Dikigorikos Syllogos Athinon - 2019, 182, 89
Oeuvre d'Assistance aux Bêtes d'Abattoirs - 2019, 182, 90
R v Chabloz - 2019, 182, 91
R(Haq) v Walsall MBC - 2019, 182, 93
R (Z & ors) v Hackney LBC & anor - 2019, 182, 94
Re Landican Cemetery - 2019, 182, 97
Re St X, The Cremated Remains of AA - 2019, 182, 98
The City of Oxford Bus Services Ltd v Harvey - 2019, 182, 99
Tothpal and Szabo v Romania - 2019, 182, 101
Williamson v Germany - 2019, 182, 102
Cardiff and Vale University Health Board v T (A Minor) - 2019, 183,
Diocese of Glasgow - 2019, 183, 229
Dr David Mackereth v The Department for Work and Pensions - 2019,
183, 232
Dulgheriu & anor v London Borough of Ealing - 2019, 183, 234
King & anor v The Benefice of Newburn - 2019, 183, 236
Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust v DE - 2019, 183,
Moher v Moher - 2019, 183, 239
Mr G Conisbee v Crossley Farms ltd & ors - 2019, 183, 240
Mr R Page v Lord Chancellor & anor - 2019, 183, 242
Mr R Page v NHS Trust Development Authority - 2019, 183, 242
R. (Ngole) v University of Sheffield - 2019, 183, 245
R. (TT) v Registrar General of England and Wales & ors - 2019, 183,
R. (Z and anor) v London Borough of Hackney & anor - 2019, 183, 248
AB, Re - 2019, 183, 250
Sterling v Rand & anor - 2019, 183, 251
Aga v Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Canada - 2020, 184, 90
An NHS Trust v C NHS Trust & ors - 2020, 184, 91
BXB v Watch Tower and Bible Tract Society of Pennsylvania & anor -
2020, 184, 93
Chabloz v Crown Prosecution Service - 2020, 184, 94
Close & ors, Re Judicial Review - 2020, 184, 95
X, Re - 2020, 184, 95
Dyagilev v Russia - 2020, 184, 98
Gilham v Ministry of Justice - 2020, 184, 100
Grimmark v Sweden - 2020, 184, 101
Steen v Sweden - 2020, 184, 101
HM Attorney General v Akhter & anor - 2020, 184, 102
Lancashire County Council v E & F - 2020, 184, 104
MM v NA (Declaration as to Marital Status) - 2020, 184, 106
Casamitjana, Mr J. v League against Cruel Sports - 2020, 184, 106
Sethi, Mr R. v Elements Personnel Services Ltd - 2020, 184, 107
Forstater, Ms M. v CGD Europe & ors - 2020, 184, 108
Mushfig Mammadov & others v Azerbaijan - 2020, 184, 109
Pantelidou v Greece - 2020, 184, 111
Papageorgiou & others v Greece - 2020, 184, 112
Pastörs v Germany - 2020, 184, 113
R. v Warner - 2020, 184, 115
R. (McConnell & anor) v Registrar General for England and Wales -
2020, 184, 116
R. (Newby) v Secretary of State for Justice - 2020, 184, 117
S, Re (Parental Alienation: Cult) - 2020, 184, 118
Tagiyev and Huseynov v Azerbaijan - 2020, 184, 119
Morrison (WM) Supermarkets plc v Various claimants - 2020, 184, 120
Dolan & ors v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care & anor
- 2020, 185, 188
Gould v St John's Downshire Hill (Unfair Dismissal - Marriage and
Civil Partnership) - 2020, 185, 189
Molla Sali v Greece - 2020, 185, 190
MR v Secretary of State for the Home Department - 2020, 185, 191
Jackson, Mr S v Lidl Great Britain Ltd - 2020, 185, 192
ND (Albania) & ors v International Protection Appeals Tribunal & anor
- 2020, 185, 195
R. (Cornerstone (North East) Adoption and Fostering Service Ltd) v
Ofsted - 2020, 185, 196
R. (Cripps Barn Group Ltd) v Secretary of State for Health and Social
Care - 2020, 185, 198
R. (Harrison & ors) v Secretary of State for Justice - 2020, 185,
R. (Hussain) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care - 2020,
185, 200
R. (Z & anor) v Hackney LBC & anor - 2020, 185, 201
St Giles, Exhall, Re - 2020, 185, 203
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (The), Re - 2020, 185, 204
Stavropoulos and others v Greece - 2020, 185, 205
A and B (Minors: placement, faith) - 2021, 186, 60
Barry Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses v BXB - 2021, 186, 61
Dean Martyn Percy v Dean & Chapter of Christ Church - 2021, 186, 62
Halcrow & ors v Crown Prosecution Service - 2021, 186, 64
Hope Community Church (Wymondham) v Phelan & ors - 2021, 186, 65
JB v University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust & anor - 2021, 186, 66
Z v University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust & ors - 2021, 186, 66
RS, Re - 2021, 186, 66
Maris v Romania - 2021, 186, 69
NB v MI - 2021, 186, 69
Neagu v Romania - 2021, 186, 70
Saran v Romania - 2021, 186, 70
Page, Mr R v Lord Chancellor & anor - 2021, 186, 71
Page, Mr R v NHS Trust Development Authority - 2021, 186, 71
Perovy v Russia - 2021, 186, 73
Philip & ors, for Judicial Review of the Closure of Places of Worship
in Scotland - 2021, 186, 75
R. (Christian Concern) v Secretary of State for Health and Social
Care - 2021, 186, 76
R. (Gill) v Cabinet Office [No. 3] - 2021, 186, 77
EOA, Re - 2021, 186, 79
St Giles, Exhall, Re - 2021, 186, 80
St Margaret, Rottingdean (No. 2), Re - 2021, 186, 82
St Mary's, Woodkirk, Re - 2021, 186, 84
Salford CC v W & ors - 2021, 186, 85
Seyi Omooba v Michael Garret Associates Ltd - 2021, 186, 87
Veselibas Ministrija - 2021, 186, 88
Ancient Baltic Religious Association Romuva v Lithuania - 2021, 187,
Avanesyan v Armenia - 2021, 187, 167
Bulgarian Orthodox Old Calendar Church & ors v Bulgaria - 2021, 187,
Independent Orthodox Church & Zahariev v Bulgaria - 2021, 187, 168
Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Canada St Mary Cathedral v Aga
- 2021, 187, 170
Fedotova and others v Russia - 2021, 187, 171
Forstater v CGD Europe & ors (Religion or Belief Discrimination) -
2021, 187, 172
Gachechiladze v Georgia - 2021, 187, 175
Lancashire Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham Ltd v Blackpool Borough
Council & anor - 2021, 187, 176
Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust v Fixsler & ors - 2021,
187, 178
Sleath (Mr J.) v West Midlands Trains Ltd - 2021, 187, 179
Ferguson (Mr K.) v Kintail Trustees Ltd & anor - 2021, 187, 180
P (Circumcision: Child in Care) - 2021, 187, 182
Polat v Austria - 2021, 187, 184
WABE and MH Müller Handels - 2021, 187, 186
Bell & anor v The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust - 2022,
188, 72
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust v AH - 2022, 188,
Cheprunovy & others v Russia - 2022, 188, 75
Zharinova v Russia - 2022, 188, 75
Church of Scientology Moscow & others v Russia - 2022, 188, 75
Corley & others v Russia - 2022, 188, 77
Declan J Ganley v Minister for Health - 2022, 188, 78
De Wilde v The Netherlands - 2022, 188, 79
DP (a pseudonym) v Bird - 2022, 188, 80
Hugh Kennedy against The Right Reverend Paul Bonnici & ors - 2022,
188, 83
Institut de Taoisme Fung Loy Kok c Ville de Montreal - 2022, 188,
FLK Institute of Taoism v MPAC - 2022, 188, 84
JC & others v Belgium - 2022, 188, 85
Lee v United Kingdom - 2022, 188, 86
London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham v Keable - 2022, 188, 88
London Borough of X v MR & ors - 2022, 188, 89
Onuoha M. (Mrs) v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust - 2022, 188, 90
Overd & ors v The Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Constabulary
- 2022, 188, 92
R. (Crowter & ors) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care
- 2022, 188, 93
R. (Dolan & ors) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care &
anor - 2022, 188, 95
R. (Khalsa Academies Trust Ltd) v Secretary of State for Education
- 2022, 188, 96
PW (Jehovah's Witness: Validity of Advance Direction), Re - 2022,
188, 97
Rustat Memorial (Jesus College, Cambridge), Re - 2022, 188, 99
Jane Taylor, Reverend (t/a Asmill House Retreats) v Revenue & Customs
- 2022, 188, 99
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission (Abortion Services) - 2022,
188, 101
Women's Initiatives Supporting Group & others v Georgia - 2022, 188,
X v Y - 2022, 188, 103
Yefimov and Youth Human Rights Group v Russia - 2022, 188, 103
Ali v Heathrow Express Operating Company Ltd & anor - 2022, 189, 188
Anderlecht Christian Assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses & others v Belgium - 2022, 189, 188
Attorney General for Bermuda v Ferguson & ors - 2022, 189, 190
Butler-Sloss & ors v The Charity Commission for England and Wales & anor - 2022, 189, 191
Christian Religious Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses in the NKR v Armenia - 2022, 189, 194
D against the Bishops' Conference of Scotland - 2022, 189, 195
Day & anor v Governor of the Cayman Islands & anor - 2022, 189, 195
JR87, Re Application for Judicial Review - 2022, 189, 197
LF v SCRL - 2022, 189, 197
Mackereth v Department for Work and Pensions & another - 2022, 189, 198
MAM v Switzerland - 2022, 189, 200
McGuigan, Re Application for Judicial Review - 2022, 189, 201
Wierowska, Miss P v HC-One Oval ltd - 2022, 189, 202
Bialick, Mr Philip v NNE Law ltd - 2022, 189, 203
McCue, Mr P v Civil Nuclear Police Authority - 2022, 189, 204
Forstater, Ms M. v CGD Europe & ors - 2022, 189, 205
Dorchester St Peter, Holy Trinity and All Saints, Re - 2022, 189, 207
Walters, Rev Keith v The Active Learning Trust ltd & anor - 2022, 189, 208
TC v Italy - 2022, 189, 209
Teliatnikov v Lithuania - 2022, 189, 211
Alm v Austria; Sager and ors v Austria - 2023, 190, 88
Attorney General's Reference (No.1 of 2022) - 2023, 190, 88
Beaudoin v British Columbia (Attorney Gerneral) - 2023, 190, 90
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association v Scottish Event Campus Ltd - 2023, 190, 90
Bouton v France - 2023, 190, 92
Constantin-Lucian Spinu v Romania - 2023, 190, 94
Fedotova and others v Russia - 2023, 190, 95
Kaur v Malhi - 2023, 190, 96
Kilic v Austria - 2023, 190, 97
LF v United Kingdom - 2023, 190, 99
Loste v France - 2023, 190, 100
Wierowska, Miss P v HC-One Oval ltd - 2023, 190, 101
Mortier v Belgium - 2023, 190, 102
Randall, Mr B v Trent College Ltd & ors - 2023, 190, 104
McClung, Mr E v Doosan Babcock Ltd and others - 2023, 190, 105
McCalla, Prof Doreen v Lichfield Diocesan Board of Finance inc & anor - 2023, 190, 106
R. (Crowter & ors) v Secretary of State for Health and Social Care - 2023, 190, 107
R. (Isherwood & ors) v Welsh Ministers - 2023, 190, 108
Rabczewska v Poland - 2023, 190, 109
SCRL (Religious Clothing) - 2023, 190, 111
Church of Scientology Religious Education College Inc v Ricketts (VO) - 2023, 190, 112
Barry Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses v BXB - 2023, 190, 112
Zemmour v France - 2023, 190, 114
Athwal v State of Queensland - 2023, 191, 190
Buhuceanu & others v Romania - 2023, 191, 190
Gulshan v Lord Chancellor - 2023, 191, 191
Higgs, Mrs K v Farmor's School - 2023, 191, 192
Jehovah's Witnesses v Finland - 2023, 191, 194
Koilova & Babulkova v Bulgaria - 2023, 191, 195
London Borough of Merton Council v Nuffield Health - 2024, 191, 196
Cave (Mr A.) v The Open University - 2024, 191, 197
Mitchell (Mr J.) v Royal Mail Group Ltd - 2024, 191, 199
Sunderland (Mrs K.) v The Hut.com Ltd & Ms P. Cohen - 2024, 191, 199
Owen (Ms T.) v Willow Tower Opco Ltd - 2023, 191, 200
Nabokikh & others v Russia - 2023, 191, 202
R (Bowen) v Kent County Council - 2023, 191, 203
King's College Chapel, Cambridge, Re - 2023, 191, 205
Burns ((Rev M.) v Secretary of State for Justice - 2023, 191, 206
Tousi v Gaydukova - 2023, 191, 207
Barry Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses v BXB - 2023, 191, 208
Archbishop of Uganda v Joyce & others - 2024, 192, 87
Asociación de Abogados Cristianos v Spain - 2024, 192, 88
Crawford, J. M. B.
Abortion Law in the United States: the Untoward Christian Action
to Recent Supreme Court
Decisions - 1974, 42, 19
Primum non Nocere - 1976, 51, 68
Abortion Entitlement: Absolute or Qualified? -1978, 58/59, 68
Case note
Hyam v The Director of Public Prosecutions - 1974, 43, 79
In re D. (a minor) - 1976, 51, 78
Raymond v Honey - 1985, 84/85, 52
Book review
Wade and Bolton: Fundamental Legal Errors and Dangerous Implications
- 1974, 44, 116
Killing and Letting Die - 1976, 50, 25
The Philosophy of the Law - 1979, 60/61, 49
State Abortion Statutes in the United States - 1974, 45, 176
Marriage and its relation to legal systems - 1992, 112/113, 64
Cremona, Marise
Human Rights and Democracy Clauses in the E.C.'s Trade Agreements
- 1995, 126/127, 105
Crowe, Michael B.
Report on 8th Congress of Catholic Jurists: Pax Romana - 1978, 56/57,
Cumaraswarmy, Param
The Independence of the Legal Profession - 1989, 102/103, 55
Cunningham, R. F.
The Education Reform Act 1988 - 1990, 104/105, 39
Public Control in Education - 1995, 124/125, 27
Curran, Charles E.
Civil Law and Christian Morality: Abortion and the Churches - 1976,
51, 45
The Distinction between the Moral and the Juridical Orders in the
Declaration - 1984, 82/83, 90
Civil Law and Christian Morality - 1977, 54/55, 139
Cusack, Lawrence X.
The Role of the Civil Lawyer in Church Courts - 1967, 16, 72
Dallow, R. J.
Book review
A Question of Life: the Wamock Report on Human Fertilisation and
Embryology - 1986, 90/91, 125
Daly, Michael
Case note
Hetherington v British Railways Board - 1972, 37, 154
Ahmed v Inner London Education Authority - 1979, 60/61, 61
Davey, Theodore
Divorce: the State of the Question within the Catholic Church -
1982, 74/75, 102
Davies, Brian
Book review
Authority in Morals - 1980, 64/65, 30
Blois, Matthijs
Justice: Retribution or Reconciliation?
- 2005, 155, 103
Castro, Juan Antonio Alberca
Sociology, Law and Religion in Italy and Spain - 2004, 152, 44
Religious Freedom in Spain; an Unresolved Question? - 2008, 160, 25
De Cruz, Peter
Assisted Suicide, Christian Theology and the Law - 2003, 150, 51
De Gama, Katherine
Case note
R. v Martin - 1989, 102/103, 85
Deadman, Richard
Confession in the Anglican Church - Breaking the Seal? - 2022, 189, 126
Denning, Lord
Obituary of The Right Hon. Sir Henry Slesser - 1979, 62/63, 121
Putting Principles into Practice - 1983, 76/77, 10
Dias, Noel
Buddhism and its relationship with international law - 2010, 164, 3
Dickinson, E. G. L.
Book review
Congress v The Supreme Court - 1970, 29, 206
Dickinson, Meryl
Canonical Equity in the Latin Church and Economy in the Orthodox Church: an equivalent relaxation or essentially different system? - 2014, 172, 27
Book review
Religion and Legal Pluralism, by Russell Sandberg - 2015, 175, 248
Doe, Norman
The Notion of a National Church: a Juridical Framework - 2002, 149,
A New Sociology of Law on Religion - Towards a New Discipline: Legal
Responses to Religious Pluralism in Europe - 2004, 152, 68
The Changing Criminal Law of Religion - 2008, 161, 88
Book review
Discipline and Justice in the Church of England by G. R. Evans -
1999, 142/143, 141
Doherty, Peter
Euthanasia and the Right to Die - 1983, 78/79, 60
Dominian, Jack
Marital Breakdown and Nullity - 1973, 41, 150
The Changing Nature of Marriage - 1991, 110/111, 55
Marriage: From Contract to Relationship - 1996, 128/129, 15
Donahue, Charles
Scandal and the Church's New Matrimonial Jurisprudence - 1977, 52/53,
Malchus's Ear Revisited: Reflections on Classical Canon Law as a Religious Legal System - 2010, 165, 144
Book review
Power to Dissolve: Lawyers and Marriages in the Courts of the Roman
Curia - 1973, 39, 59
Donahue, John R.
Divorce: New Testament Perspectives - 1982, 74/75, 84
Donnelly, Lewis
Book review
The Race Relations Act and Immigration Law - 1969, 24, 125
Doomen, Jasper
A Veiled Threat - 2018, 180, 82
Drake, Gavin
Case note
Appeal of Keith Francis Slater - 2017, 178, 124
Drake, Sara
Book review
The Ethics of War: Shared Problems in Different Traditions edited by Richard Sorabji & David Rodin - 2008, 161, 124
Draper, G. I. A. D.
The 'Just War' and the Contemporary World - 1980, 64/65, 10
Book review
Law and International Resource Conflicts - 1983, 76/77, 43
Duddington, J. G.
Medico-Legal Decision Making at the End of Life - 1994, 122/123,
Special Educational Needs: A Developing Legal Challenge - 1995,
124/125, 58
Obituary for Robert Heuston - 1995, 126/127, 144
Abortion: Challenging the Grounds - 1996, 128/129, 50
Who Decides? - 1998, 136/137, 9
Richard O'Sullivan - 1998, 136/137, 18
Thomas More - 1998, 136/137, 35
The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Human Cloning. Part One: Legal
Aspects - 1999, 140/141, 26
The Legal and Ethical Aspects of Human Cloning. Part Two: Ethical
Aspects - 1999, 142/143, 100
Obituary of Michael Penty, founder editor of Law and Justice - 2002,
149, 72
Discreet Festivity and Social Intercourse: Public Benefit in the
Law of Charity - 2005, 155, 100
Sex Discrimination Law - brief summary of changes affecting ministers
& religious employers - 2005, 155, 145
Ministers of Religion and Discrimination Law: A Story from the Glens
of Angus - 2006, 156, 59
The Legal Basis of the Title 'Defender of the Faith': a note - 2006,
156, 71 God, Caesar and Ministers of Religion - 2007, 159, 129
The Employment Status of the Clergy: Preston starts to unravel - 2013, 171, 79
Catholic and Protestant Approaches to Law: some initial thoughts - 2016, 176, 59
Blessed be the Amending Hand - 2018, 180, 38
Quis custodiet? - 2021, 186, 44
Quis custodiet? - 2021, 187, 160
Quis custodiet? - 2022, 188, 66
Case note
Bishop of Oxford v Church Commissioners - 1992, 112/113, 68
Blake v D.P.P. - 1993, 116/117, 56
Representative Church Body v Frazer - 2005, 155, 144
New Testament Church of God v Stewart - 2007, 158, 83
From Yesterday to Today: the Bland and Alfie Evans cases - 2019, 182, 104
Book review
The Law Relating to Schools by Neville Harris - 1995, 124/125, 65
Old Law, New Medicine: Medical Ethics and Human Rights by Sheila
McLean - 1999, 140/141, 81
Values for a Godless Age. The Story of the United Kingdom's New
Bill of Rights by Francesca Klug - 2000, 145, 67
Freedom, Law and Justice by Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Sedley - 2001,
147, 153
Looking for Answers. A Christian in Medicine and Law by Dr Anthony
Cole - 2004, 153, 177
Keeping the Faith. Reflections on the Word of God by Andrew Phang
- 2004, 153, 178
The Soul of the Embryo by David Albert Jones - 2005, 154, 74
Human Rights and the Image of God by Roger Ruston - 2005, 155, 143
A Day in the Life of a Condemned Man, Victor
Hugo - 2006, 156, 73
Religion and Law: An Introduction by Peter Edge - 2007, 158, 69
The Challenge of Human Rights: Origin, Development, Significance
by Jack Mahoney - 2007, 158, 70
Religious Freedom, Religious Discrimination in the Workplace by Lucy Vickers - 2009, 163, 165
The Law of Organised Religions, between establishment and secularism by Julian Rivers - 2010, 165, 206
Dishonest to God by Mary Warnock - 2011, 167, 95
Faith and Order by Nick Spencer - 2012, 168, 110
Equity Stirring: the Story of Justice beyond Law by Gary Watt Hart - 2012, 169, 255
Religious Freedom in the Liberal State, second edition by Rex Ahdar and Ian Leigh - 2013, 171, 98
Religion and the Law: the Current Position in England by Christopher Dwyer - 2013, 171, 100
Pope Benedict XVI's legal thought: a dialogue on the foundation of law, ed. Cantabria and Simonici - 2015, 175, 258
Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience by Brownlee - 2015, 175, 260
Ecclesiastical Law, 4th edition, by Mark Hill - 2019, 182, 76
Human Dignity in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition, John McLoughlin (ed.) - 2020, 184, 85
What's Wrong with Rights?, by Nigel Biggar - 2021, 186, 48
Clustered injustice and the level green, by Luke Clements - 2021, 187, 151
Religious Confession and Evidential Privilege in the 21st Century, M. Hill & A. K. Thompson (eds.) - 2022, 189, 179
Faith in Democracy: Framing a Politics of Deep Diversity, by Jonathan Chaplin - 2023, 191, 183
Embracing Justice, by Isabelle Hamley - 2024, 192, 80
The Innocence of Pontius Pilate: How the Roman Trial of Jesus Shaped History, by David Lloyd Dusenbury - 2024, 192, 82
Thomas More by Anthony Munday, William Shakespeare and others -
2005, 154, 79
Dunderdale, Edward G.
The Canonical Form of Marriage: Anachronism or Pastoral Necessity?
- 1979, 62/63, 85
Case note
In re St. Peter, Royston - 1970, 27, 102
Kaur v Singh - 1972, 37, 153
Book review
Essential Incompatibility as Grounds for Nullity of Marriage - 1971,
32, 113
The Right of the Faithful to the Sacraments - 1979, 62/63, 113
Dunstan, G. R.
Catholics and the Warnock Enquiry - 1983, 78/79, 71
Durham, W. Cole
Religion and the state in the United States at the turn of the twenty-first century - 2009, 162, 47
Durisotto, David
Financing of Churches in Italy - 2010, 165, 159
Dwan, Desmond
Book review
The Priest Shortage and the Answer to It - 1981, 68/69, 59
Dwyer, Christopher
Divorce in Italy - 1972, 36, 93
Divorce in Italy: the Referendum and its Aftermath -1975, 46/47,
U.K. Courts and European Human Rights - 1987, 92/93, 59
The Multinationals and the Bootmaker -1990, 106/107, 31
Religious Discrimination - 1998, 138/139, 105
Human Rights - Values for a Godless Age? - 2001, 146, 28 Royal
Marriages and Human Rights - 2005, 154, 27
How far can religion affect employment? - 2009, 163,
Book review
Divorce: Australian and German 'Breakdown' Provisions Compared -
1972, 36, 109
Comparative Approaches to Divorce: Canada and England - 1973, 41,
Published by:
The Edmund Plowden Trust