List of Contributors
- 2024
The contributors of main articles, book reviews, case notes or letters from all past journal issue numbers are listed alphabetically by surname.
Labuschagne, Bart C.
Book review
A Trinitarian Theology of Law: In Conversation with Jurgen Moltmann, Oliver O'Donovan & Thomas Aquinas by David McIlroy - 2010, 165, 202
Laing, Jacqueline
The Incoherence of Moral Scepticism
and the Foundations of Human Rights - 2006, 157, 39
The Concept of Distress in the Termination of Pregnancy (Jersey)
Law 1997 - 1997, 132/133, 4
Lampard, Rachel
A Safe Bet? - 2002, 148, 38
Lankshear, David
The Role of the Church in Education in England and Wales - 1995,
124/125, 17
Lasok, Dominik
Reforming the Divorce Law: a Critical Appraisal - 1968, 20, 101
The Children and Young Persons Act 1969 - 1969, 24, 120
The Family Law Reform Act 1969 - 1970, 26, 20
Divorce Law Reform Act 1969 -1970, 29, 198
Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Act, 1970 - 1971, 32, 98
Guardianship of Minors Act, 1971 -1971, 33, 137
The Matrimonial Proceedings (Polygamous Marriages) Act, 1972 - 1972,
37, 123
Nullity of Marriage Act, 1971 - 1972, 34, 21
The Divorce Reform Act in the Light of Decided Cases - 1973, 41,
Children Born Out of Wedlock: the Convention on their Legal Status
- 1978, 56/57, 40
Doing Away with Illegitimacy? - 1982, 74/75, 114
Human Rights Implications for the British Constitution - 1985, 86/87,
Family Law Reform Act (1987) - 1989, 100/101, 20
Anti-abortion before the European Court - 1992, 114/115, 126
Human Rights Implications for the British Constitution - 2024, 193, 128
Case note
Pais v Pais - 1971, 32, 116
S. v S and W v Official Solicitor - 1971, 30, 33
G (A) v G (T) - 1972, 34, 34
Cowcher v Cowcher - 1972, 35, 78
Adams v Adams (A-G intervening) - 1972, 34, 36
Banik v Banik No. l and No. 2 - 1973, 41, 183
In re N. (minors) - 1973, 41, 180
Parghi v Parghi - 1973, 41, 183
Carr v Carr and Another - 1975, 46/47, 40
H. v H. - 1976, 50, 32
R. v Oxford City Justices ex parte H. - 1976, 50, 33
Tanner v Tanner - 1977, 52/53, 74
Dyson Holding Ltd v Fox - 1977, 52/53, 77
Amies v Inner London Education Authority - 1977, 54/55, 130
Eves v Eves - 1977, 52/53, 74
Davis v Johnson - 1978, 58/59, 129
Willaims & Glyn's Bank Ltd v Boland and Another -1980, 66/67,
R. v National Insurance Commissioner, ex parte Connor - 1981, 70/71,
Conegate Ltd v H.M. Customs & Excise - 1988, 96/97, 55
Book reviews
State Responsibility for Injuries to Aliens - 1968, 19, 74
Essays in the History of Early American Law - 1970, 28, 171
Marriage Annulment in the Catholic Church (3rd Edition) - 1981,
68/69, 54
The Decay of Marriage by George Brown - 1992, 114/115, 145
Lasok, Paul
The Sabbath was made for Man - 1991, 110/111, 44
Dominik Lasok - an Appreciation - 2000, 145, 4
Case note
Helby v Rafferty - 1980, 66/67, 101
Societe United Docks v Government of Mauritius - 1985, 86/87, 50
Book review
What are Parental Rights? - 1976, 50, 27
Legislation on Human Rights - with particular reference to the European
Convention - 1977, 54/55, 111
Lassiter, Christo
Put the Lens Cap Back on Cameras in the Court Room: A Fair Trial
is at Stake - 1994, 122/123, 111
Laws, John G. McK.
Book review
St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae - 1978, 58/59, 119
The Changing Profile of Natural Law -1982, 74/75, 134
Natural Law & Natural Rights - 1982, 74/75, 134
Lawton, F. A.
Book review
La Torture dans la Republique - 1973, 38, 20
Amnesty International and the Campaign against Torture - 1974, 45,
Terrorism and Modern Society - 1979, 62/63, 114
How Just Can Violence Be? -1984, 80/81, 68
Lee, Gerard A.
The Protection of Human Rights - 1977, 54/55, 94
Book review
Constitutional Fundamentals - 1980, 66/67, 95
Lee, Robert G.
Damages in Respect of an Unwanted Child - 1978, 58/59, 110
Lee, Simon
Judges & Public Policy in the Light of Gillick - 1987, 94/95,
Leeder, Lynne
Case note
Re Lloyd's and Lloyd's Application [1993] - 1994, 122/123, 125
Whiston v Whiston [1995] - 1996, 128/129, 55
Lewis, Tom
Book review
Transforming Religious Liberties: A New Theory of Religious Rights for National and International Legal Systems, by Stacie Strong - 2018, 181, 219
Lieberman, David
Blackstone's Science of Legislation - 1988, 98/99, 60
Blackstone's Science of Legislation (Part II) - 1989, 100/101, 31
Lineham, T. P.
Book review
A New Catholic Strategy on Abortion - 1974, 42, 48
Lock, David
Book review
The Credit Society: its Benefits and Burdens - 1988, 98/99, 95
Case note
R v Horseferry Road Magistrates Court ex parte Bennett (1989) -
1994, 120/121, 47
Longmore, Andrew
Edmund Plowden
and the Rule of Law - 2011, 167, 5
Lovell, P. A.
Case note
Incorporated Council for Law Reporting for England and Wales v
The Attorney General - 1972, 37, 151
In re Park (no. 2) - 1972, 36, 115
Saunders v Anglia Building Society - 1972, 34, 37
In re Watson deceased, Hobbs v Smith & Others - 1974, 43, 82
Book review
Section 31: Harmful and Obscure - 1970, 29, 208
A Popular History of English Taxation - 1971, 31, 59
Estate Duty Aspects of the Matrimonial Property Question - 1972,
35, 76
The Limits of Non Est Factum after Gallie v Lee - 1973, 39, 68
Loyola, Ander
Book review
The Constitution of the United States Revised and Updated, by Michael H. Dearmey - 2024, 192, 73
Lucas, Peter
Formalities of Marriage in English Law - 1988, 96/97, 34
MacBride, Sean
The "Special Powers" Act of Northern Ireland - 1969, 24,
MacDonald, John
Book review
Religious Considerations - Custody and Adoption - 1981, 68/69, 58
Mack, Jonathan
Case note
Mosley v News Group Newspapers ltd - 2009, 162, 93
Mackay of Clashfern, Lord
Family Law Reform - 1996, 128/129, 3
The 10th Richard O'Sullivan Memorial Lecture: Does Establishment have a Future? - 2013, 170, 7
MacLean, Marjory
The Church of Scotland as a National Church - 2002,
149, 125
Maher, G.
Case note
Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority and DHSS
- 1985, 86/87, 51
Mahoney, John
Respecting Human Rights - 2006,
156, 53
Professional Ethics: the Consultant Professions and their Code -
1971, 30, 24
Maida, Adam J.
Lay Attorneys in the Tribunal - 1968, 21, 140
Manchester, Colin
The Changing Rationale of England's Obscenity Laws - 1980, 66/67,
The Sex-shop Trade - 1988, 96/97, 41
Marrington, D. K.
Case note
Singh v Immigration Appeal Tribunal - 1987, 92/93, 74
Martin, Isabel Zurita
British and Spanish legislation on abortion: a brief comparative overview - 2009, 163,
Martinez-Torron, Javier
Institutional Religious Symbols, State Neutrality and Protection of Minorites in Europe - 2013, 171, 21
Mathews, A. S.
Detention without Trial: the Stormont and Pretoria Styles - 1972,
34, 5
Legislation and Civil Liberties in South Africa - 1984, 80/81, 32
Mathews, Mary
Abortion and Irish Law - 1978, 58/59, 81
The Catholic Church and Slavery
- 2007, 158, 23
McCarthy, David
Human Rights: Do they Exist? A Reconsideration - 1972, 35, 60
Case note
R. v Secretary of State for Home Affairs ex parte Bhajan Singh
- 1975, 48/49, 97
Book review
Human Rights and Europe - 1974, 45, 168
A Bill of Rights - 1977, 54/55, 120
Liberty, Law and justice -1980, 64/65, 25
McColl, Lord
Medical Decision Making at the End of Life - Euthanasia in the 1990s
and Beyond - 1999, 140/141, 16
Contemporary Human Rights and Christianity - 2005, 154, 6
McCoy, Patrick
Book review
The New Family and the New Property - 1983, 76/77, 46
McCrudden, Christopher
Alasdair MacIntyre's Critique of Human Dignity: A Response - 2022, 189,
McCullogh, Laurence B.
Long-Term Care for the Elderly: an Ethical Analysis - 1986, 90/91,
McDonagh, Edna
John Courtney Murray and the Declaration on Religious Liberty -
1969, 22, 6
McDonald, J. F.
Book review
The Legality of Modern forms of Aerial Warfare - 1969, 22, 41
McEwen, R. L.
"Let no Man
..?" - 1967, 14/15, 6
The Tyrant's Plea: a Critical Look at 'Necessity' - 1973, 38, 5
Goliath's Sword: the Constitutional Problems of Impeachment - 1973,
39, 54
Case note
Clinch v Inland Revenue Commissioners - 1974, 45, 174
Book review
The Law of the Individual According to Age and Sex - 1968, 21, 162
Fair Share for the Fair Sex - 1969, 23, 81
Divorce -Arguments for a change in the Church's discipline - 1969,
25, 187
Under the Wigs - 1979, 60/61, 53
McIlroy, David
A Christian State? - 1994, 120/121, 32
Marriage, Sex and Consents - 1996, 128/129, 41
Mediaeval Commercial Morality: Its Application to Today's World
- 1997, 132/133, 9
The Nature of the Obligations to Obey the Law - 1997, 134/135, 32
Discrimination - 1998, 136/137, 13
Immigration - 1998, 138/139, 97
Christian Perspectives on Human Rights and Legal Philosophy. Edited
by Paul Beaumont - 1998, 138/139, 134
A Christian View of the Role of the State - 1999, 142/143, 117
A Christian Concept of Law: A Theology of Law and its Application
Today - 2000, 144, 49
Christian Perspectives on Society - 2000, 145, 38
The Relevance of the Old Testament Law for Today. Part One - 2002,
148, 21
The Relevance of Old Testament Law for Today. Part Two - 2003, 150,
Subsidiarity and Sphere Sovereignty - 2003, 151, 111
Oliver O'Donovan and the Tradition of Christian Thought Regarding
the Death Penalty - 2006, 156, 37 Legislation in a context of moral
disagreement: the case of the Sexual Orientation Regulations - 2007,
159, 114
The Theology of Law of Norman Anderson - 2009, 163,
Secular Law:
Is it at all Possible? - 2012, 169, 172
How Does Christianity regard English Law? - 2013, 170, 19
Human Rights Theory: Fit for Purpose, Fundamentally Flawed or Reformable? - 2014, 173, 129
Catholic and Protestant Approaches to Human Rights - 2017, 179, 135
Why Can't We Stop Pretending Law Has Anything to do with Justice? A Critical Natural Law Theory - 2020, 184, 7
What St Augustine of Hippo would say about Law today? - 2020, 185, 140
Law as the Calling of Human Nature: the Theology of Law of David W. Opderbeck - 2022, 189, 157
Mere Legality - C.S.Lewis on the Necessary Connection between Natural Law and the Rule of Law - 2024, 192, 51
Book review
Justice that Restores by Charles Colson - 2001, 146, 74
Faith in Law. Essays in Legal Theory by Peter Oliver, Sionaidh Douglas
Scott and Victor Tadros (eds.) - 2001, 147, 146
Christian Perspectives on Law and Relationism by Paul Beaumont and
Keith Wotherspoon (eds.) - 2001, 147, 150
Restorative Justice: Philosophy to Practice by Heather Strang and
John Braithwaite (eds.) - 2002, 148, 54
Christian Perspectives on the Limits of Law by Paul Beaumont - 2002,
149, 180
Jesus and Politics: Confronting the Powers by Alan Storkey - 2007,
158, 66 Religion in Public Life: Must Faith be Privatized? by Roger
Trigg - 2007, 159, 142
Herman Dooyeweerd: Christian Philosopher of State and Civil Society by Jonathan Chaplin - 2012, 168, 102
The Fall of the Priest and the Rise of the Lawyers, by Philip R. Wood - 2018, 180, 99
Case note
Jivraj v Hashwani - 2010, 165, 223
McMahon, Bryan M. E.
Developments in the Irish Legal System since 1945 - 1983, 78/79,
McReavy, L. L.
The Effect of the Civil Law on the Just Price of a Freehold - 1968,
19, 78
McRedmond, Louis
The Constitution of Ireland and the Declaration on Religious Freedom
- 1981, 70/71, 71
Divorce: the Irish Constitution and the European Convention - 1985,
84/85, 14
Meade, Ryan
When Should Human Law Change? Assessing Legal Code - 2019, 183, 176
Meakin, Robert
What are the implications of being a church-controlled charity in the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church? - 2016, 176, 18
Gilmour v Coats Revisited: a study in the Law of Public Benefit in Charity Law Today - 2016, 177, 157
Taking the Queen's Shilling: The Implications for Religious Freedom for Religions being registered as Charities - 2017, 178, 57
Charity Law Aspects of the Sex Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church - 2019, 182, 37
Non-Religious Belief in Charity Law: Time for a Rethink? - 2020, 185, 155
Megarry, Mr Justice
Law and Lawyers in a Permissive Society - 1972, 35, 46
Menski, Werner
Hindu Law - 2010, 164, 45
Micklem, Nathaniel
The Theology of Law - 2014, 172, 4
Mills, John Orme
Book review
The Conception of Christ: Unanswered Questions - 1974, 42, 47
Milne, Kenneth
The Church of Ireland and the Concept of National Church - 2002,
149, 118
Mitchell, Basil
Introduction to 1979 Conference on Declaration of Religious Freedom
- 1984, 82/83, 86
Should Law be Christian? - 1988, 96/97, 12
Moberly, Elizabeth
Book review
Marxist Ideology and Soviet Criminal Law - 1982, 72/73, 49
Montgomery, John Warwick
The Case for 'Higher Law' - 1992, 112/113, 31
When Is a Jew Not a Jew? - 1993, 118/119, 108
Law and Justice - 1994, 120/121, 12
Law & Morality: Friends or Foes? - 1994, 122/123, 87
The American Law Teaching Experience - 1995, 126/127, 120
The Alleged Myth of the Mafia - 1996, 130/131, 100
Advocacy, Classical Rhetoric and Legal Ethics - 1998, 138/139, 116
Human Dignity in Birth and Death: A Question of Values - 1999, 140/141,
Canon Law as the Juridic Reflection of Theological Norms - 1999,
142/143, 106
Christian Education and Worship in State Schools - 2000, 144, 41
Can Blasphemy Law be Justified - 2000, 145, 6
A Brief Reply to Bishop Jukes - 2000, 145, 56
Subsidiarity as a Jurisprudential and Canonical Theory - 2002, 148,
Life can be Difficult if you are Bessarabian Orthodox - 2003, 151,
Slavery, Human Dignity and Human Rights - 2007, 158, 4
Moriarty, Gerald E.
Life and the Law - 1968, 19, 67
Case note
Distillers Company (Bio-chemicals) Ltd v Thompson - 1972, 34, 35
Secretary of State for Education and Science v Tameside M.B.C.
- 1977, 54/55, 125
Saggers v British Railways Board - 1978, 56/57, 53
Allen v Gulf Oil Refinery Ltd - 1982, 72/73, 62
Book review
Euthanasia - 1971, 32, 111
De Smith's Judicial Review of Administrative Action (4th Edition)
- 1981, 68/69, 41
Sir John Davis and the Conquest of Ireland: a Study in Legal Imperialism
- 1986, 90/91, 124
Morris, Robert
Half-Opening Cans of Worms: The Present State of 'High' Anglican Establishment - 2014, 172, 1
Morris, Terrence
Book review
Care or Custody: Community Homes and the Treatment of Delinquency
- 1976, 50, 24
Mulholland, Maureen
Case note
R. v South Glamorgan Health Authority, ex parte Phillips - 1988,
98/99, 97
R. v: Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustees, ex parte Mars
and An'or - 1988, 98/99, 102
Murphy, Marcus
A Parish Council Constitution - 1969, 24, 113
Case note
R. v Joseph Drybones - 1971, 31, 67
Murray, John Courtney
Religious Freedom: the Context - 1984, 82/83, 114
Murtagh, Cyril J.
Jurisprudence in the Canon Law: the Question of Error in Marriage
- 1975, 46/47, 25
Mururu, Linda
Book review
Female Genital Mutilation Law and Practice, by Zimran Samuel - 2019, 182, 71
Nairn, R. G.
Organised Crime in Britain and America - 1979, 60/61, 32
Napley, David
The Ethics of the Professions - 1985, 86/87, 13
Nason, Sara
Review Article
Nonsense on Stilts? A Quaker View of Human Rights, N. Dower (ed) with P. Hills & M. Bartlet - 2009, 163, 156
Nicholson, Joanna
France and Greece: Two Approaches to Religious Pluralism - 2004,
152, 27
Nolan, Lord
Thomas More. A Saint for the New Millennium - 2001, 147, 79
Nzerem, Richard
Obituary for Antony Allott - 2002, 148, 62
Book review
The Rule of Law in a Penal Colony by David Neal - 1993, 116/117,
O'Beirne, Cornelius
Case note
British Railways Board & Another v Pickin - 1974, 45, 170
Book review
Balloonists, Bills of Rights and Dinosaurs - 1980, 64/65, 38
O'Brien, R. A. G.
The Law of Nature: the Basis or a Shackle for Morality? - 1967,
14/15, 12
The Abortion Act and Legal Liability - 1968, 18, 16
Nullity: Civil and Church - Some Comparisons - 1970, 26, 27
Common Law and Canon Law Reform: further Considerations - 1970,
27, 93
Surrender Rights under the Education Acts - 1972, 34, 26
Obituary for Jacques Maritain - 1973, 39, 70
Lane on Abortion - 1974, 42, 13
Compelled to Abet Murder! -1975, 48/49, 86
Case note
Formosa v Formosa - 1970, 29, 211
In re Snowden, Shakelton v Eddy - 1971, 32, 115
In re W. (an Infant) - 1972, 36, 114
R. v Smith (John) - 1974, 42, 54
Abbot v The Queen - 1978, 58/59, 126
Book review
The Revision of the Canon Law: Fears, Hopes and Prospects - 1972,
35, 74
Marital Privacy and Family Law - 1978, 58/59, 123
State Abortion Statutes in the United States - 1974, 44, 121
Civil Law and Christian Morality - 1977, 54/55, 132
Civil Law and Morality - 1978, 58/59, 135
O'Callaghan, Denis F.
A Theologian's View of the Right to Life - 1968, 19, 52
Marriage in Crisis - 1982, 74/75, 74
O'Donoghue, Florence
Special Defences to Criminal Charges - 1979, 62/63, 80
A Half-century of Neighbourliness: Donoghue v Stevenson reconsidered
- 1984, 80/81, 4
Case note
H. v Regina - 1971, 33, 147
R. v Anderson - 1972, 35, 79
Beckford v R. - 1988, 98/99, 100
Funnel and Anon v Stewart and Ors (1996) - 1997, 132/133, 63
Book review
The Validity of Municipal Legislation and Ignorance of the Law -
1971, 31, 63
The Abuses of Literacy - 1972, 35, 73
Lead us not into Temptation, but Deliver our Expenses - 1972, 36,
Tort Law and the Moral Law - 1974, 44, 115
Slavery and the Catholic Church - 1976, 51, 76
Criminal Law: The Mental Element in Crime - 1981, 68/69, 45
Judicial Review: Legal Limits of Official Power - 1988, 98/99, 93
Breaking Out: a Christian Critique of Criminal Justice - 1988, 98/99,
Maintenance after Divorce - 1988, 98/99, 89
Public Interest Law - 1988, 98/99, 93
Tudor on Charities - 1988, 98/99, 90
The Law of the Parish Church - 1990, 106/107, 66
Children and the Law: Essays in Honour of Professor H. K. Bevan
- 1991, 110/111, 93
Lord Denning: a Biography - 1991, 110/111, 94
Blackstone's Criminal Practice - 1991, 110/111, 95
De Valera and the Irish Constitution - 1994, 120/121, 57
Emergency law in Ireland, 1918-1925 - 1996, 130/131, 123
O'Keeffe, David
Fairness - A Missing Theme in Education - 1995, 124/125, 3
O'Leary, Maurice
Book review
On the Marriage Bond (articles in 'Theology') - 1977, 52/53, 65
O'Mahony, Patrick J.
The Beginnings of Human Life: Reflections on Recent Writings - 1974,
44, 101
O Neill, Clayton
Book review
Medical Law and Ethics, by Jonathan Herring - 2018, 180, 95
O'Reilly, James
Marital Privacy and the Irish Constitution - 1985, 84/85, 18
O'Sullivan, Richard
Edmund Plowden - 1998, 136/137, 19
Oliva, Javier Garcia
Sociology, Law and Religion in Italy and Spain - 2004, 152,
Sociology, Law and Religion in the United Kingdom - 2004, 152, 8
British Ideas for the Teaching of Religion in State Schools in Spain
- 2007, 158, 54
Church-State Relationships: An Overview - 2009, 162, 4
Exorcism and the Law: Are the Ghosts of the Reformation Haunting Contemporary Debates on Safeguarding versus Autonomy? - 2018, 180, 51
The Trial of the Cock Lane Ghost: Criminal Law, Religious Orthodoxy and Social Values in Enlightenment London - 2023, 190, 40
Vicarious Liability and Enterprise Risk: a Benefit or Jeopardy Centred Approach? - 2024, 193, 139
Religious Liberty and Human Rights edited by Mark Hill - 2003, 150,
Religious Liberty and Human Rights ed. Mark Hill - 2005, 154, 76
Christian citizens in an Islamic State: the Pakistan Experience
by Theodore Gabriel - 2008, 160, 44
Migration, Work and Citizenship in the Enlarged European Union by Samantha Currie - 2009, 162, 82
Church & State in 21st Century Britain by R.M. Morris - 2010, 164, 86
Law and Religion in Europe: A Comparative Introduction by Norman Doe - 2012, 169, 253
Religion and Law in Spain by Javier Martinez Torron - 2014, 173, 206
Religion in Britain. A Persistent Paradox, 2nd ed by Grace Davie - 2015, 175, 250
Secularism: Politics, Religion and Freedom, by Andrew Copson - 2017, 179, 212
The Codex of Justinian: A New Annotated Translation with Parallel Latin and Greek Text, Fred H. Blume (trans.) Bruce W. Frier (ed.) - 2018, 180, 107
Putting Faith in Hate: When Religion is the Source or Target of Hate Speech, by Richard Moon - 2018, 180, 109
The Contested Place of Religion in Family Law, by Robin Fretwell Wilson - 2018, 181, 221
An Historical Introduction, by Richard Helmholz - 2019, 183, 200
Why Religious Freedom Matters for Democracy? Comparative Reflections from Britain and France for a Democratic 'Vivre Ensemble', by M. Hunter-Henin - 2020, 185, 176
A.V.Dicey and the Common Law Constitutional Tradition: A Legal Turn of Mind, by Mark D Walters - 2021, 186, 52
Medical Decision-Making on behalf of Young Children - A Comparative Perspective, by Imogen Goold, Cressida Auckland & Jonathan Herring (Anthology Editors) - 2022, 188, 58
Religious Offences in Common Law Asia: Colonial Legacies, Constitutional Rights and Contemporary Practice, by Li-ann Thio & Jaclyn L. Neo (eds.) - 2022, 189, 182
Entidades locales y libertad religiosa (Local Authorities and Religious Freedom), by Oscar Celador Angon - 2023, 190, 83
Ombres, Robert
Changing ideas on Obscenity: the American Scene - 1970, 27, 88
The Charity of a Dinner - 1974, 43, 84
Justice and Equity in the 1983 Code - 1988, 96/97, 23
Mentally Incapacitated Adults and Decision-Making - 1992, 112/114,
Charitable Trusts: The Catholic Church in English Law - 1995, 126/127,
National Churches and the Roman Catholic Church - 2002, 149, 92
The Legitimate Expectation of Diocesan Clerics in Catholic Canon Law - 2019, 182, 25
Office holders and their Duties and Rights in Catholic Canon Law - 2024, 193, 157
Case note
R. v Cardiff Coroner (ex parte Thomas) - 1971, 30, 33
Burns v Edman - 1971, 33, 146
Jefford v Gee - 1971, 30, 31
Sheppard v Sheppard - 1971, 31, 65
Parkes v Westminster Roman Catholic Diocese Trustee - 1979, 60/61,
Gouriet v Union of Post Office Workers - 1979, 60/61, 59
Midland Bank Trust Co. Ltd and Another v Green and Another - 1981,
70/71, 157
Barralet and Others v Attorney General and Others - 1981, 68/69,
Hillfinch Properties Ltd v Newark Investments Ltd - 1982, 72/73,
Undale v Bloomsbury Area Health Authority - 1983, 78/79, 111
Sepet and another v Home Secretary [2003] - 2003, 151, 180
Book commentary
Thomas Aquinas's Treatise on Divine Law, by J. Budziszewski - 2021, 187, 146
Book review
Yugoslav Civil Law: History, Family, Property - 1971, 32, 111
A Theory of Justice - 1972, 36, 105
The Educational Role of the Soviet Court - 1973, 38, 23
Edmund Plowden and the Woolsack: a Query - 1973, 39, 66
The Liberal Theory of Justice - 1974, 43, 73
'Pre-Ceremonial' Christian Couples - 1979, 60/61, 54
The Politics of Jurisprudence: a Critical Introduction to Legal
Philosophy - 1991, 110/111, 91
Law, Society and Change - 1991, 110/111, 90
The Ethics of Human Rights - 1992, 114/115, 140
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights by Scott Davidson - 1993,
116/117, 77
The Concept of International Obligations Erga Omnes by Maurizio
Ragazzi - 1998, 136/137, 71
The Natural Law Reader, ed. Laing and Wilcox - 2014, 173, 204
A Novus Habitus Mentis. Canon Law as Empowerment of Communio with Particular Application to Selected Ecclesial Communities and Associations by M. Bonaventure Higgins - 2015, 174, 112
Thomas More: A Very Brief History by John Guy - 2017, 178, 108
Legal Thought and Eastern Orthodox Christianity: the Addresses of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, by Norman Doe & Aetios Nikiforos (eds) - 2024, 192, 70
Orne, Jacob
Richard O'Sullivan and the American Supreme Court - 2024, 192, 27
Orsy, Ladislaus
Mixed Marriages: the new Instruction - 1967, 16, 84
The Spirit of the Common Law and the Reform of Canon Law - 1969,
23, 59
Marriage in the Code of the Canon Law - 1986, 88/89, 9
Paines, A. J. C.
The Cippenham Shared Church Project - 1969, 23, 73
Book review
Company and Corporation - One Law? - 1970, 28, 172
Papastathis, Kostantinos
France and Greece: Two Approaches to Religious Pluralism - 2004,
152, 27
Parker, Nigel
A Bill of Rights to replace the Human Rights Act - 2022, 188, 51
Parmiter, Geoffrey de
Edmund Plowden and the Woolsack: A Query - 2000, 145, 29
Parra, Helen
Book review
Women and Sharia Law: The Impact of Legal Pluralism in the UK by Elham Manea - 2017, 178, 111
Pearce, Augur
Book review
Church, State and Establishment by Paul Avis - 2003, 150, 76
Aston Cantlow: Chancel Repairs and the Status of Church of England
Institutions - 2003, 151, 163
Penty, Michael H.
The Last Penal Relic - 1970, 29, 181
Obituary of R. A. G. O'Brien - 1979, 62/63, 121
Case note
Mapp v Oram - 1972, 36, 113
Wroth and Another v Tyler - 1973, 41, 181
In re S. (an infant) - 1973, 40, 114
Book review
The Legal Status of the Putative Father - 1968, 21, 166
The Rule of Law and Human Rights - 1969, 25, 190
Mr. Gladstone's Hearth Rug - 1969, 22, 42
Towards Constitutional Development within the Church - 1969, 24,
The Contribution of English Law to South African Law - 1969, 25,
The Present State of the Tax Statute Law - 1969, 22, 42
The Changing Nature of Marriage and Marital Breakdown - 1973, 41,
The Future of Marriage in the Church - 1973, 41, 178
Trusts for Sale and the Matrimonial Home - 1973, 41, 172
Nasciturus in the Limelight - 1974, 42, 52
The Unborn Child in Canadian Law - 1978, 58/59, 122
The Legal Personality of the Unborn Child - 1980, 66/67, 99
What Next in the Law? - 1983, 76/77, 39
Pereira, Carmen Asiain
Law and Religion in Latin America - 2009, 162, 62
Perfect, David
The ECHR's Work on Religion or Belief - 2014, 173, 113
Perrott, D. L.
Book review
Conscience Versus Law: Reflections on the Evolution of Natural Law
- 1973, 38, 15
Perry, Joseph N.
Marital Consent: the Canon Law Concepts and Roman Law Influences
- 1980, 66/67, 77
Peters, Edward N. J.
The 'Common Good' in Catholic Thought: An Outline and Contemporary
Application - 1981, 70/71, 97
Legal Perspectives and Religious
Perspectives of Religious Rights under International Law in the
Vatican Concordats (1963-2004) - 2007, 158, 30
Legal Protection of Sacred Places as a Medieval Gloss - Towards Working 'Soft Law' Guidelines under Public International Law - 2011, 167, 27
Phang, Andrew
Lord Denning and the Influence of William Temple - 1999, 140/141,
Critical Legal Studies, Economic Development and Human Rights -
1999, 142/143, 122
Conjoined Twins: The Limits of Reason and the Transcendent Hope
- Part One - 2001, 146, 38
Conjoined Twins: The Limits of Reason and the Transcendent Hope
- Part Two - 2001, 147, 89
Book review
Objections Sustained - Subversive Essays on Evolution, Law and Culture
by Philip Johnson - 2000, 145, 63
The Disintegration of Natural Law Theory: Aquinas to Finnis by Pauline
C. Westerman - 2002, 148, 56
Christ our Advocate: Studies in Polemical Theology, Jurisprudence
and Canon Law by J. W. Montgomery - 2003, 151, 172
A Biblical View of Law and Justice by David McIlroy - 2004, 153,
Phelan, Andrew
Clashes between Courts: Civil and Ecclesiastical? - 1972, 35, 67
Divorce and the Law of Eire - 1974, 43, 61
Case note
R. v Jakobovits, ex parte Wachman - 1991, 110/111, 88
Book review
Privilege in Civil Proceedings - 1968, 19, 75
The Civil Evidence Act 1968 - 1969, 24, 127
Judicial Administration; The American Experience - 1970, 29, 204
The Law of Nullity in Ireland - 1977, 52/53, 62
Phillips of Worth Matravers, Lord
Equally before the Law - 2008,
161, 75
Piderit, John J.
Economics, Ethics, and the Policies towards Poor Nations - 1986,
88/89, 22
Pocklington, David
The Continuing
Relevance of Doctors' Commons - 2011, 166, 52
The Regulation
of Cremation Residues by Church and State - Past, Present and Future
- 2014, 173, 145
Covid 19 and
Religion in the United Kingdom -2021, 187, 96
Case note
SG (Child of Polygamous Marriage) Nepal - 2012,
169, 291
Putney Vale Cemetery, Re - 2016, 176, 99
St Leonard, Beoley, Re - 2016, 176, 100
JS (Disposal of Body), Re - 2017, 178, 147
Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills v The
Interim Executive Board of Al-Hijrah School - 2017, 179, 228
Tietosuojavaltuutettu v Jehovan Todistajat-Uskonnollinen Yhdyskunta
- 2018, 181, 259
Oeuvre d'Assistance aux Bêtes d'Abattoirs - 2019, 182, 90
Re Holy Trinity Drayton Parslow - 2019, 182, 96
Re Landican Cemetery - 2019, 182, 97
Dulgheriu & anor v London Borough of Ealing - 2019, 183, 234
R (TT) v Registrar General of England and Wales & ors - 2019, 183,
St Mary's, Woodkirk, Re - 2021, 186, 84
Bell & anor v The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust - 2022, 188, 72
Onuoha M. (Mrs) v Croydon Health Services NHS Trust - 2022, 188, 90
Attorney General's Reference (No.1 of 2022) - 2023, 190, 88
Poland, John
The Penal Consequences of the Violation of the Seal of Confession - 2022, 189, 142
Clergy Discipline in the Latin Church - 2023, 191, 150
Pollock, David
Religious and non-religious belief in charity law - 2021, 187, 121
Poole, David
Janaway: a Comment - 1988, 98/99, 82
Human Embryo Research - 1989, 102/103, 88
Poppe, Linda P.
New York Court Adopts Brain-Death Standard for Homicide Cases -
1986, 90/91, 84
Potez, Andrew
Book review
Beyond Tolerance: the Challenge of Mixed Marriages - 1977, 52/53,
Pritchard, Alan M.
Book review
Jurisprudence - 1968, 18,
The Discipline of the Law - 1979, 62/63, 104
Proctor, Charles
Book review
American Indians and American Justice - 1984, 80/81, 55
Prodger, Rebecca
Circumcision in Modern European Society and the autonomy of religious organisations - 2021, 186, 20
Provost, James H.
Reflections by a Canon Lawyer on Adrian Hasting's Article - 1981,
68/69, 35
Purnell, Gerrard
Book review
Industrial Democracy - 1974, 44, 114
Published by:
The Edmund Plowden Trust